foto:; TikTok/@naturalremedioss

Do this routinely 3-4 times a week to get a bright, even face free from dark spots.

  2 September 2024 13:26 - There are various facial skin problems that are quite disturbing to appearance. One of them is black spots. In addition to making the face less smooth and looking dull, black spots also make the skin tone uneven. This facial skin problem is characterized by the appearance of black spots in several areas of the skin.

Black spots or also called hyperpigmentation generally occur on the face, arms, and back of the hands, so their presence can make sufferers less confident. This condition is caused by many factors, such as sun exposure, pollution, and aging factors.

Excessive sun exposure will cause the production of melanin or the skin's natural pigment to be more than normal. This is what causes spots or dark brown spots to appear in some areas of the facial skin. Slowing skin regeneration with age is also a factor in the appearance of dark spots.

One of these facial skin problems is indeed quite disturbing to appearance and lowers self-confidence. No wonder many people are looking for ways to fade or remove black spots from their faces. There are many ways that can be done. Such as facial treatments at beauty clinics, diligently using skincare products, to utilizing natural ingredients.

One of the skincare products that is often relied on to overcome dark spots is niacinamide serum. Not without reason, niacinamide is an active ingredient that is claimed to be able to overcome various skin problems. Such as acne, dark spots, to dull skin.

For some people, the use of niacinamide serum is indeed effective in dealing with dark spots. However, for others, the content of niacinamide is quite harsh for facial skin, especially for those with sensitive skin . Another solution, you can use natural ingredients.

As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @naturalremedioss on March 26, 2024. In her video, she shared how to deal with dark spots on the face to brighten evenly using 2 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are tomatoes and honey.

Treat dark spots on the face to make it evenly bright Various sources

photo: TikTok/@naturalremedioss

"Eliminate your face's imperfections with this homemade mask," wrote the account owner as a caption for the uploaded video, as quoted by , Monday (2/9).

You can use both of these ingredients to make a mask that is believed to be effective in fading the appearance of dark spots on the face. Using it regularly will also make the face brighter and more even. Here's how to make and use it.

Treat dark spots on the face to make it evenly bright Various sources

photo: TikTok/@naturalremedioss


- 1/2 tomato
- Honey to taste

How to use:

1. Wash the tomatoes until clean.
2. Cut the tomatoes into 2 parts.
3. Prepare honey in a container.
4. Dip the tomato pieces in honey.
5. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean from dirt and makeup residue.
6. Apply the tomatoes dipped in honey all over your face.

Treat dark spots on the face to make it evenly bright Various sources

photo: TikTok/@naturalremedioss

7. Rub in a circular motion.
8. Do this for 5 minutes then let it sit for 15 minutes and massage it so it absorbs better.
9. Rinse with water until clean.
10. Continue with the use of moisturizer.
11. Do this routinely 3-4 times a week to get an even, bright face free from dark spots.

Tomato content to fade black spots on the face.

Tomatoes contain vitamins that are good for the body and skin. That is why tomatoes are widely used as an ingredient to overcome various skin problems. No exception to eliminate black spots and various signs of skin aging. This is because tomatoes contain antioxidants and vitamins C, A, B, potassium, and magnesium, which are believed to brighten the face, remove stubborn black spots or blemishes, overcome acne, and much more. The antioxidant content in it is also effective in fading the appearance of black spots over time.

The benefits of honey for evening out facial skin tone and fading dark spots.

Being a sweetener known to moisturize the skin, honey is also useful for treating dark spots on the face. The high sugar content in honey acts as a natural skin exfoliator . Honey also has compounds that are antioxidants, so it can help treat various facial skin problems.

Quoted from Healthline, pure honey has very good content for the skin, especially if you have acne and dark spots, as well as dry and autoimmune skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Even honey is also effective in making the face more supple, bright, moist, and has a more even skin tone due to its natural exfoliator properties.
