foto: TikTok/@altuspleasure

This trick makes hair look thicker without using hair powder.

  20 September 2024 21:30 - A hairline parting is an area on the scalp where the hair is divided into two sides, usually at the front of the head. This line can vary in shape and position, depending on each individual's hairstyle . Unfortunately, a visible hairline parting can affect the overall appearance and is often the focus of the styling.

In some cases, the hairline split may show signs of hair loss or thinning. Especially if the area around the line appears balder or less full. A bald-looking hairline split is often caused by a decrease in the number of healthy hair follicles. Genetics are the main cause of this condition, where the tendency to experience hair loss runs in families.

Aging also plays a major role, as the scalps natural oil production decreases as we age, which can cause hair to become dry and brittle. In addition, stress, hormonal changes, and an unbalanced diet, such as a lack of vitamins and minerals, can also worsen the condition.

Not a few people use hair powder to overcome hair parting that looks bald. Even so, it turns out there are other tricks that you can do to make hair parting look full and anti-bald. As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @altuspleasure.

Trick to cover hair parting so it doesn't look bald using 1 clip TikTok

photo: TikTok/@altuspleasure

Through the upload, the account owner only uses 1 clamp, hair spray, hair dryer, and hair clip. The clamp in question is tweezers. Let's see the trick to using it below, reported by on Friday (20/9).

Trick to cover hair parting so it doesn't look bald using 1 clip TikTok

photo: TikTok/@altuspleasure

First, comb your hair and make sure there are no tangles. After that, spray the tweezers with hair spray. Next, make a zigzag line towards the back following the hair parting line. Then, clip the middle part of your hair, right at the parting. You also need to clip the bangs towards the side of your ear.

Trick to cover hair parting so it doesn't look bald using 1 clip TikTok

photo: TikTok/@altuspleasure

Then, spray again using enough hair spray. Next, use a hair dryer to make the hair spray dry quickly. Finally, remove the hair clip, and comb again until you get thicker hair without using hair powder.
