foto: YouTube/@deebasbeautyremedie

Lack of sleep causes fluid to build up under the eyes.

  17 April 2024 12:10 - Have you ever seen someone with dark skin around the eyes ? This condition is panda eyes which describes the skin around the eyes becoming dark, reddish, and sometimes swollen. Panda eyes often occur due to a buildup of melanin pigment in the area. Even though panda eyes are not medically dangerous, this skin problem makes a person look tired and less fresh. That condition makes you feel insecure. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to get rid of panda eyes.

There are several ways you can use to make your eyes look fresh again. Starting from improving your daily sleep hours. Lack of sleep causes fluid to build up under the eyes. So it makes the skin look darker and swollen. Apart from that, lack of sleep can also increase the hormone cortisol, which can increase melanin production and worsen the condition of panda eyes.

By improving better quality sleep hours, at least seven to eight hours can reduce swelling. Not only that, getting enough sleep also helps overcome inflammation of the skin around the eyes .

If you have done this method, balance it with regular skin care for the eye area . Start by using eye cream that contains retinol, vitamin C and peptides. All of these ingredients can stimulate collagen production and brighten the skin. However, using this eye cream product will make your pockets thin, because the price is quite expensive. As a solution, you can get rid of panda eyes using a mask made from natural ingredients.

As did a beauty vlogger with the YouTube account @deebasbeautyremedie. In a video upload that is several minutes long, he uses one type of fruit, namely cucumber, vitamin E capsules and glycerin.

Cucumbers are high in water and have a natural cooling effect on the skin. When used as a cold compress, cucumber can help relieve swelling and inflammation around the eyes. The antioxidant content in cucumbers can help brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of panda eyes.

Vitamin E capsules are an antioxidant that is claimed to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals that cause premature aging and other skin problems. Vitamin E capsules also have hydrating properties, which help keep the skin around the eyes moist and make them look fresher and radiant.

Glycerin is an effective moisturizing agent and helps maintain skin moisture. Using glycerin on the skin around the eyes can help reduce dryness and fine lines that make panda eyes look worse. Glycerin can also help other ingredients, such as vitamin E, absorb better into the skin, increasing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Those are the benefits of ingredients to remove panda eyes. So how do you make it? For those of you who are curious, let's look at the steps below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @deebasbeautyremedie, Wednesday (17/4).


How to deal with panda eyes using cucumber from various sources

photo: YouTube/@deebasbeautyremedie

- 1.2 cucumbers
- 1 vitamin E capsule
- 3 to 4 drops of glycerin.

How to make:

How to deal with panda eyes using cucumber from various sources

photo: YouTube/@deebasbeautyremedie

1. Cut the cucumber into two parts
2. Blend evenly using a grater
3. Squeeze the cucumber and put it in a bowl
4. Pour in the vitamin E capsule
5. Pour in a few drops of glycerin
6. Stir all ingredients until combined
7. The eye mask is ready to use.

How to use:

How to deal with panda eyes using cucumber from various sources

photo: YouTube/@deebasbeautyremedie

1. Clean the eye area first
2. Prepare one piece of cotton
3. Divide the cotton into two
4. Dip into the eye mask
5. Stick it on the panda eye area
6. Wait a few minutes
7. Rinse the mask using plain water
8. Use this mask regularly so that your eyes look fresh again.

Can cucumbers prevent premature aging?

Apart from the benefits above, cucumber is also believed to prevent premature aging around the eyes. This is because cucumber has a natural cooling effect that helps reduce swelling and inflammation around the eyes. Reporting from, Wednesday (17/4) the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content in cucumber helps brighten the skin and protects against damage caused by free radicals.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.