foto: TikTok/@afizazana

Even though it is cheap, the makeup results are still age appropriate and make the face look fresh.

  16 Agustus 2024 12:10 - School farewell is a meaningful and emotional moment, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one in life. On this special occasion, many people want to look stunning with optimal makeup.

It is important to note that makeup for a school farewell party is not only about beauty, but also about expressing personality and celebrating achievements. Therefore, in choosing and applying makeup for this event, it is important to adjust the look to the theme of the event while still considering the comfort and durability of the makeup.

Likewise with the farewell event held by kindergarten children. Although still classified as children, it is undeniable that they want to appear optimally on that special day. It is not surprising that many kindergarten children apply makeup on their faces to attend school farewell events.

Some only apply powder and lipstick, but there are also those who make up their faces with full makeup. Full makeup usually requires more makeup products, and of course will cost a lot of money.

However, this does not apply to TikTok users with the account name @afizazana, who did makeup for children for a kindergarten farewell event for only Rp10,000. Even so, the results are natural and don't look too overdone.

Kindergarten farewell makeup tutorial only priced at IDR 10 thousand TikTok

photo: TikTok/@afizazana

"Tk makeup version 10 Rb," he wrote in the uploaded video, quoted by , Thursday (15/8).

At the beginning of the video, the account owner appears to be tidying up the eyebrows of the girl in the video first. She appears to be drawing the eyebrows using an eyebrow pencil to make them more precise. Not to forget, the account owner also uses concealer to tidy up the edges of the eyebrows.

Kindergarten farewell makeup tutorial only priced at IDR 10 thousand TikTok

photo: TikTok/@afizazana

After that, she began to apply a thin layer of foundation all over the girl's face. She chose a beauty blender to blend the foundation so that the result would not be cakey. Furthermore, she locked the complexion using compact powder.

Moving on to the eyes, the account owner appears to be applying cream eyeshadow combined with gold glitter thinly. Not to forget, the account owner also drew thin eyeliner and mascara to make the girl's eyes look bigger.

Kindergarten farewell makeup tutorial only priced at IDR 10 thousand TikTok

photo: TikTok/@afizazana

Not stopping there, the account owner then applied a soft pink blush and finished the makeup by applying coral lipstick . The results of the kindergarten child's makeup are truly natural and fresh.

Kindergarten farewell makeup tutorial only priced at IDR 10 thousand TikTok

photo: TikTok/@afizazana

Although it is only priced at Rp10 thousand, the makeup results do not look garish and putty. Suddenly the uploaded video went viral and was watched 1.9 million times and received various comments from netizens.

"sure 10 thousand is at least 30 or 35 like that. That's pro," joked the account @thv_amb.

"Sis, are you giving alms? DO YOU INCREASE THE PRICE?" said the account @oncsia.

"30/50 thousand, sis, that's good, not 10 thousand," said the account @kentangbuluk55.
