
Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week.

  6 Juli 2024 18:01 - Black spots can make the face look less smooth, dull and have an uneven color. The part of the body that is susceptible to black spots is the face, because it has thinner skin and is often exposed to free radicals.

This facial skin problem is caused by several factors, such as excessive sun exposure, the aging process, use of unsuitable cosmetic or skincare products, genetics, and pollution.

There are many ways you can fade or remove black spots. Starting from treatments at beauty clinics, using special skincare products for black spots, to using natural ingredients.

As was done by one TikTok user with the account name @erajzaidi1. In the video, he can be seen using fruit containing lycopene to fade black spots on the face. So, you don't need a facial laser that costs a lot of money.

This fruit contains lycopene which can fade black spots on the face from various sources

photo: TikTok/@erajzaidi1

Well, the fruit that contains lycopene in question is tomatoes. Apart from tomatoes, the account owner also added other ingredients, namely yoghurt and besan flour or gram flour. Here's how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @erajzaidi1, Saturday (6/7).


- 1 fresh tomato
- 1 tablespoon yoghurt
- 1 teaspoon of besan flour

This fruit contains lycopene which can fade black spots on the face from various sources

photo: TikTok/@erajzaidi1

How to create and use it:

1. Wash the tomatoes until clean.
2. Puree the tomatoes using a blender or spoon.
3. Add yoghurt and besan flour.
4. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste.
5. Apply to clean face.
6. Wait until it is half dry then rub gently like when using a scrub.
7. Rinse using water until clean.
8. Dry then continue using moisturizer.
9. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a smooth face free of black spots.

This fruit contains lycopene which can fade black spots on the face from various sources

photo: TikTok/@erajzaidi1

The benefits of tomatoes for fading black spots on the face.

Tomatoes are widely used as an ingredient to treat various skin problems. No exception for fading stubborn black spots on the face. This is thanks to the antioxidant content, vitamins C, A, B, potassium, lycopene and magnesium. Some of these ingredients are believed to brighten the face, remove stubborn blemishes, and treat acne . The antioxidant content in it is also effective in fading black spots.

Yoghurt content to overcome the appearance of black spots.

One of the benefits of yogurt for skin health is to overcome the appearance of black spots. Yoghurt is also useful for treating wrinkles, dull skin, and dark spots on the face (including black spots) and makes it brighter and more even, thanks to the vitamins, zinc and lactic acid content in it.

Besan flour can help fade black spots so that your face is evenly bright.

This flour made with chickpeas is useful for getting rid of acne, removing facial hair, and many other benefits. This is thanks to the content of linoleic and oleic acids, which are important nutritious unsaturated fatty acids.

Thanks to the ingredients in it, besan flour is also effective in treating facial pigmentation such as black spots and premature aging. The vitamin and linoleic acid content can nourish the skin and increase collagen production.
