foto: TikTok/@beautyglam_2255

This condition is also often called hyperpigmentation.

  19 Mei 2024 22:00 - Some of the most common facial skin problems experienced by most people are acne, blackheads, dullness and black spots. Black spots are a skin problem that is quite disturbing and makes the face look less smooth and dull.

This condition is characterized by the appearance of black or brownish spots on several parts of the face. There are various factors that cause this, such as excessive sun exposure, the aging process, cosmetics, genetics, and pollution.

The more often the face is exposed to sunlight without protection such as using sunscreen, the greater the risk of black spots appearing. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy skin by using sunscreen before doing outdoor activities.

If you don't use sunscreen, your skin will naturally produce excess melanin. This is the skin's natural effort to prevent the bad effects of sunlight. Well, melanin is what will trigger the appearance of black spots or spots on the surface of the skin.

This condition is also often called hyperpigmentation. If you continue to leave it, more black spots may appear on other parts of your face. The appearance of the face also looks less attractive, because it looks uneven in color and looks dirty.

If you are one of the people experiencing this problem, there is no need to worry, because you can overcome it in various ways. You can get treatment at a beauty clinic, use a special serum for black spots, or use natural ingredients.

Even though it uses natural ingredients , if used regularly, the results are no less effective than other methods, you know. So, you can copy the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @beautyglam_2255 which uses turmeric and 1 natural ingredient. The natural ingredient in question is aloe vera gel.

Make a face serum to fade black spots from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beautyglam_2255

Turmeric contains to fade the appearance of black spots on the face.

Turmeric is high in antioxidant content, so it is not only beneficial for health, but also maintains the beauty of facial skin. Some of the benefits are that it can brighten the face and fade the appearance of black spots on the surface of facial skin.

Reporting from Healthline, the benefits of turmeric for beauty are thanks to the bioactive component curcumin contained in it. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so it can ward off free radicals and the causes of black spots, as well as speed up skin regeneration.

The benefits of aloe vera gel to prevent the appearance of black spots.

Aloe vera gel is famous for its calming properties thanks to the enzymes, amino acids and vitamins it contains. This content will provide the moisture and nutrition needed by the skin, so it can overcome various skin problems. One of them is black spots and makes the skin brighter and more even. The reason is, the vitamin E and C content in it is effective in evening out skin tone and fading stubborn black spots.

Relying on these two natural ingredients, you can make a facial serum that is believed to be able to fade the appearance of black spots. Regular use will make your face smoother and evenly brighter. This is how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @beautyglam_2255, Sunday (19/5).

Make a face serum to fade black spots from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beautyglam_2255


- 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
- Carrier oil (optional)

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir the ingredients until they are evenly mixed and the texture is thick like paste
3. Move it into storage hours
4. Apply to a clean face
5. Flatten then let sit overnight
6. Rinse in the morning
7. Do this method regularly every day to get a smooth face and free of black spots.

Make a face serum to fade black spots from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beautyglam_2255


turmeric face cream/serum for acne, pigmentation and dark spots

Bloom - Aqyila
