
Enlarged facial pores can occur due to genetics.

  28 Februari 2024 11:10 - Pores are a component of the skin that plays an important role as a place where sebum comes out. The pores also keep the skin hydrated. But unfortunately, there are several factors that make facial pores appear larger. This condition is quite disturbing to the appearance. It can even be a source of new problems with the skin, especially the facial area. Some problems that may arise are blackheads, acne, and a dull face.

Enlarged facial pores occur due to several factors, starting from genetics, excessive oil production, aging, sun exposure, and free radicals that stick to the face.

To shrink enlarged pores, it is important to keep facial skin clean and healthy, and avoid these factors. Several steps that can help reduce facial pores include washing your face regularly, using the right moisturizer, using sunscreen, avoiding excessive beauty products, and avoiding bad habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol.

Behind all these tricks, there are other methods that you can use, you know. You can use the ingredients around you, one of which is food.

So, this time the food ingredient that can be used for treatment is sticky rice. You can use this food ingredient as a facial toner because it contains amino acids, anthocyanin compounds, and vitamin B. This ingredient can provide a number of benefits, namely smoothing, healing acne, disguising wrinkles, brightening, shrinking pores, and moisturizing.

So how do you make toner from black sticky rice? Come on, see the method shared by YouTube user Essenderella Channel, Tuesday (27/2).


Black sticky rice pore toner Various sources

photo: YouTube/@Essenderella Channel

1. 1 glass of water.
2. Vitamin E
3. Black sticky rice.

How to make:

1. First wash the black sticky rice until clean.
2. Leave it for approximately one to three hours.
3. Strain the water soaking in the sticky rice.
4. Add vitamin E to the sticky rice water.
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
6. Put the sticky rice water into the toner bottle.

By using a toner made from black glutinous rice, large pores on the face can be reduced. To get maximum results, use this toner regularly for skin care.

Black sticky rice pore toner Various sources

photo: YouTube/@Essenderella Channel

"Brother, can you replace black crab with white sticky rice?" asked the account @Lily Gulbiansih.

"Hi Sis! Yes, you can. Using regular rice is also really good for your face," answered the video owner.

"@Essenderella Channel, how long do you think it will last, Sis?" asked the account @Lily Gulbiansih.

"Hi Sis! Yes, it only lasts 1-3 days at room temperature. To make it last longer, it's recommended to store it in the refrigerator," he answered.

Black sticky rice can also make a dull face evenly bright.

Black sticky rice will turn purplish after cooking. The color of black sticky rice indicates that the food contains quite high levels of anthocyanin compounds. Not only that, black sticky rice still contains a variety of important nutrients for health and beauty such as iron, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamin E. The mineral content in black sticky rice includes potassium, magnesium and zinc. Well, the various ingredients in it are believed to be able to brighten and overcome a dull face. In fact, the vitamin E content in it is also effective in making skin naturally supple.

Can black sticky rice keep skin youthful?

As already mentioned, black sticky rice is a food ingredient that is high in nutritional content. Apart from being good for skin health and beauty, in fact this natural ingredient is also effective in preventing various signs of skin aging, you know. The reason is that black sticky rice can encourage collagen production which will beautify the skin by making it youthful, firm and wrinkle-free.
