foto: TikTok/@makeup_emalii

The area under the eyes is more prone to cracking.

  20 September 2024 16:30 - Dry skin owners often experience their own challenges when applying makeup, because of the tendency to crack. A skin surface that is less hydrated can interfere with the appearance of makeup, making it look uneven and will actually emphasize fine lines.

When skin is not properly hydrated, foundation and other products tend to cling to dry, wrinkled areas, causing an uneven appearance. Factors such as weather, use of alcohol-based products, and lack of proper skincare can also worsen this condition.

Especially when applying setting powder in some areas of the face that are prone to cracking. One of them is the under eye area. Using setting powder in the under eye area is often an important step in makeup to lock in concealer and prevent it from creasing.

However, for those with dry skin , improper application of setting powder can cause makeup to look cracked and less smooth. Makeup crack refers to a condition where makeup, such as foundation or concealer, begins to crack or break on the surface of the skin, making it look uneven and unattractive.

Well, if you experience this condition, you can imitate the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @makeup_emalii. Through his upload, the account owner provides a special trick when applying setting powder so that the results remain smooth without cracking.

Trick for using setting powder in the undereye area so that your makeup doesn't crack TikTok

photo: TikTok/@makeup_emalii

"Setting powder hacksplit a tissue and use it to control the amount of powder you use! This is great for someone with dry skin, like me! (Setting powder hacksplit a tissue and use it to control the amount of powder you use! This is great for someone with dry skin, like me!)," she wrote in the video caption, which quoted on Friday (20/9).

The trick is, you only need to prepare a piece of tissue, loose powder or setting powder, and a special makeup brush for powder. Next, take the powder using the brush and tap it on the powder container so that the product that sticks to the brush is not too much.

Trick for using setting powder in the undereye area so that your makeup doesn't crack TikTok

photo: TikTok/@makeup_emalii

Next, divide the tissue into 2 parts (just use 1 thin tissue). Then, stick it on the under eye area. After that, apply setting powder by tapping. Do it on the under eye area next to it.

Trick for using setting powder in the undereye area so that your makeup doesn't crack TikTok

photo: TikTok/@makeup_emalii

This trick will keep your makeup flawless, smooth, and non-cracking. Because, using tissue will help reduce the amount of setting powder particles that stick to the skin.

Trick for using setting powder in the undereye area so that your makeup doesn't crack TikTok

photo: TikTok/@makeup_emalii
