
Doing a skincare detox can be an effort to restore skin health.

  30 Juli 2024 14:10 - The use of skincare containing mercury has become a serious problem in the beauty industry. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mercury in skincare products can cause various health problems, such as skin irritation and damage to the kidneys and nervous system.

The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has also banned the use of mercury in cosmetics. However, there are still many skincare products that contain mercury on the market. If you have already used skincare made from mercury, it is important to detox to restore normal skin.

Not just, you need to know effective ways to detox from using skincare that contains mercury, based on recommendations from dermatologists and the latest research. So, here are eight ways to detox skincare that contains mercury, as summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (30/7).

1. Stop using the product immediately

How to detox skincare that contains mercury  2024


The first and most important step in the detox process from skincare that contains mercury is to stop using the product completely. According to Dr. Patricia K. Farris, board-certified dermatologist and author of "The Skincare Hoax," emphasizes the importance of this action. As a note, the sooner you stop using products that contain mercury, the faster the skin recovery process will be.

2. Consult with a dermatologist

The next step after stopping the use of skincare that contains mercury, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist. Quoting from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Dr. Zoe D. Draelos explains that a professional can assess the extent of skin damage and recommend appropriate treatments for the detox process ahead.

3. Do blood and urine tests

Reporting from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), you need to do blood and urine tests to determine mercury levels in the body. Well, the results of this test are very helpful for doctors in determining the severity of mercury exposure and designing an appropriate detox plan.

4. Use a gentle facial cleanser

How to detox skincare that contains mercury  2024


During the detox process, it is important to use a facial cleanser that is gentle and free from harsh ingredients. Dr. Leslie Baumann, author of "The Skin Type Solution", suggests using a water-based cleanser or micellar water to cleanse the skin without irritating it further.

5. Intensive hydration

You need to know that skin that has been exposed to mercury often experiences dehydration and damage to the skin barrier. Quoting an explanation from Dr. Whitney Bowe, dermatologist and author of "The Beauty of Dirty Skin", explains that skin that has been exposed to mercury needs to use a moisturizer containing ceramide and hyaluronic acid. These two ingredients are believed to help restore moisture and skin barrier function.

6. Increase your antioxidant intake

How to detox skincare that contains mercury  2024


Research published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology shows that antioxidants can help neutralize oxidative damage caused by mercury. So, for those of you who have been exposed to skincare containing mercury, it is recommended to increase your consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, green vegetables and nuts.

7. Use sunscreen

You need to know, skin that is in the process of detoxing from skincare that contains mercury tends to be more sensitive to UV rays. Quoting from the American Cancer Society, it emphasizes the importance of using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. The use of this sunscreen is effective in protecting the skin from further damage and helping the healing process. Even using this sunscreen can prevent the appearance of signs of aging.

8. Use a mask made from natural ingredients

How to detox skin exposed to mercury by using a mask made from natural ingredients. You can apply an aloe vera mask which has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe irritated skin. Apart from that, you can also use honey to make your skin more moist.

Then use yoghurt which contains lactic acid which helps exfoliate dead skin cells, so your face looks bright and smooth. Also use oatmeal with anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce itching and irritation.

As additional information, it is important to remember that the detox process from skincare that contains mercury requires time and patience. In addition, skin recovery can take several weeks to several months, depending on the level of exposure and individual skin condition.

Apart from detoxing, preventive measures are also very important. BPOM recommends always checking product labels and ensuring that the skincare products used are registered and have an official distribution permit. Avoid purchasing skincare products from sources that are not trusted or that promise instant results without clear ingredients.

Not only that, it is also important for beauty brand manufacturers to educate consumers about the dangers of skincare that contains mercury. By increasing awareness about the dangers of mercury on the skin, you can protect yourself and others from the dangerous risk of skin damage.
