foto: YoTube/@recommendedpreshtv

Fine hairs on the upper lip, chin and cheeks can be treated with this simple ingredient.

  25 Maret 2024 18:25 - Facial hair is not only experienced by men. However, quite a few women also experience the same thing. It's just that the appearance is different, where women have fine hair, while men have thicker hair. Even though it can be said to be normal, quite a few women feel uncomfortable with the presence of fine hair on parts of the face, such as the upper lip (fine mustache), cheeks and chin. The reason is that fine hair can interfere with your appearance, especially when you use makeup. Facial makeup cannot stick perfectly, so it is prone to cracking. This problem may make them look for ways to remove fine facial hair

Before discussing how to get rid of fine hair on your face, you need to know the cause first. The appearance of fine hair can be influenced by hirsutism syndrome - a medical condition in which women experience excessive hair growth, especially in areas that are generally more associated with men's hair growth.

Apart from that, fine hair on the face can also appear due to hormonal changes. Hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy or menopause can affect hair growth throughout the body , including the face. Increased levels of hormones such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can stimulate the growth of thicker, darker hair.

To prevent hair growth, regular care is needed. If you usually remove fine hair on your face by shaving. Here is another method that is safer and doesn't irritate your skin.

How to remove fine hair around the mouth from various sources

how to remove fine hair around the mouth

This method was shared by beauty vlogger @recommendedpreshtv, she uses lemon, honey and gram flour. Lemon contains citric acid which can help exfoliate dead skin layers. Reporting from, Monday (25/3) the vitamin C content in lemons can help brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation associated with fine hair.

Honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help keep the skin clean and reduce the risk of infection or inflammation due to the hair removal process. Apart from that, honey also has natural moisturizing properties that help maintain skin moisture.

Gram flour or mung bean flour is a natural ingredient that is traditionally used to clean and care for the skin. Gram flour can help remove dirt and excess oil from the skin and has mild exfoliating properties that help remove fine hair without damaging the skin.

Interested in removing fine hair around the mouth using a scrub made from the ingredients above? So, here is a tutorial that you can follow as compiled from the YouTube channel @recommendedpreshtv, Monday (25/3).


How to remove fine hair around the mouth from various sources

how to remove fine hair around the mouth

- 2 tablespoons of lemon
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 tablespoons gram flour.

How to make:

How to remove fine hair around the mouth from various sources

how to remove fine hair around the mouth

1. Prepare a clean bowl
2. Pour in the lemon juice
3. Pour in the honey and stir until combined
4. Add gram flour
5. Stir again until it has a creamy texture
6. The scrub is ready to be used to remove fine hair.

How to use:

How to remove fine hair around the mouth from various sources

how to remove fine hair around the mouth

1. Clean your face, especially the mouth area
2. Apply the scrub around the mouth area
3. Wait for 15 or 20 minutes
4. Wash thoroughly using normal water
5. Repeat the use of the mask regularly so that your face is free from fine hairs.

Lemon helps overcome dry skin.

Lemon is a type of fruit that can be relied on to treat facial problems, such as dry skin. Lemon contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which is a natural exfoliant. Light exfoliation with lemon juice can help remove dead skin cells that cause skin to look dull and dry.

Even though lemons are a strong source of citric acid, the vitamin C and antioxidants they contain help maintain skin moisture. Applying lemon juice directly to the skin can provide additional moisture and improve skin elasticity.
