foto: Instagram/@alitattoosulam ; Instagram/@krisdayantilemos

Many celebrities are willing to dig deep into their pockets to undergo various treatments and follow beauty trends

  29 Februari 2024 19:12 - Being a public figure does have many demands regarding appearance. Especially about facial beauty. Not only women, male celebrities are also required to appear optimally from head to toe.

For this reason, many celebrities are willing to dig deep into their pockets to undergo various treatments and follow beauty trends to maximize their facial appearance.

One of the beauty trends that is currently familiar is eyebrow embroidery . Not without reason, eyebrow embroidery does provide many benefits. In the midst of a very busy artist schedule, this could be a solution so you don't have to spend a long time making your eyebrows. Moreover, many have thin eyebrows.

As is done by several Indonesian celebrities who have eyebrow embroidery to perfect their appearance. Even her face looks more stunning and stunning.

Here, summarizes from various sources on Thursday (29/2), portraits of 15 Indonesian celebrities before and after having eyebrow embroidery .

1. Naturally beautiful from the beginning, Ririn Dwi Ariyanti did eyebrow embroidery to make her face look even more perfect.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

2. Marshanda's eyebrows look thicker and symmetrical after having eyebrow embroidery, which makes them even more charming.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@marshanda99 ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

3. As an artist and mother who has a busy schedule, Nikita Willy seems to be taking advantage of the eyebrow embroidery trend so that her appearance can be on point at all times.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

4. The difference between Natasha Wilona's eyebrows then and now is quite significant, her thin eyebrows now look thicker with eyebrow embroidery.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@itanovian ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

5. Even though she is almost 60 years old, Meriam Bellina still wants to look stunning by doing eyebrow embroidery.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@bellinamer ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

6. Even though she already has beautiful eyebrows, Angel Karamoy became even more beautiful after having eyebrow embroidery.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@realangelkaramoy ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

7. Ariel Tatum's eyebrow shape is quite different at the start of her career and now after having eyebrow embroidery.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Special ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

8. Gracia Indri's appearance is increasingly sexy and stunning with her eyebrows looking perfect.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: ; Instagram/@alitattoosulam

9. Dangdut diva Krisdayanti apparently also does eyebrow embroidery to make her always look beautiful.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@krisdayantiland ; Instagram/@krisdayantilemos

10. Mayangsari's appearance is no less mind-blowing. Different from now, her portrait at that time was iconic with her thin eyebrows before having her eyebrows embroidered.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@dikyrahmayadi ; Instagram/@mayangsari_official

11. Yuni Shara's beautiful charm is beyond doubt. Her appearance with thick looking eyebrows is apparently thanks to having eyebrow embroidery.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: ; Instagram/@yunishara36

12. Inul Daratista's appearance in her old portrait when she appears with thin eyebrows is quite different from now, which is even more stunning.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Special ; Instagram/@inul.d

13. Iis Dahlia is no less iconic with thin eyebrows. Now, her portrait is even more charming with her sharp eyebrows.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@isdadahlia

14. Dandut singer Ayu Ting Ting at the start of her career also followed the trend with thin eyebrows. But now her appearance has become even more stunning with her thick eyebrows after doing eyebrow embroidery.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: Instagram/@ayutingting92

15. Syahrini also doesn't miss out on doing eyebrow embroidery. This is done to make its appearance more vivid.

Celebrities before and after doing eyebrow embroidery Various sources

photo: ; Instagram/@princessyahrini

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.