The result is like 'no makeup, makeup look'.

  15 Juli 2024 11:25 - Nowadays people - especially women - don't use makeup to change their faces to be different. Instead, it makes the face look natural, by covering up small imperfections on the face. This phenomenon is usually called 'no makeup, makeup look' or wearing makeup but not wearing makeup.

For those of you who have similar preferences, there is one look you can try, called the sheer makeup look. This type of appearance emphasizes the impression of light makeup, so that the face looks naturally beautiful, but as if you are not wearing any makeup. The most important thing is that your face must look fresh and flawless , even if you only use light makeup.

To create a sheer makeup look, you definitely need several products with a light texture, color that matches your skin shade, and not putty. The key is in the foundation product used. The foundation used can provide a good color tone and skin tone that is more even, smooth and radiant.

how to create a sheer makeup look  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/

Unfortunately, not all foundations have this formulation. No need to worry, there is one trick you can do so that your foundation gives a perfect sheer makeup look. This method was shared by Instagram user by uploading his reels.

In the video, she is seen using three base makeup products, namely foundation, primer and liquid highlighter. Not only that, there is loose powder and moisturizer to keep the skin from drying out. So, how to make and use it is as follows, quoted by from, Monday (15/7).

how to create a sheer makeup look  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/

1. Prepare a makeup palette.
2. Pour enough foundation, primer and liquid highlighter.
3. Add enough loose powder moisturizer.
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
5. Apply evenly to face.
6. Blend until set.
7. This way the foundation gives a sheer look that looks natural.

This is often confused, this is the difference between foundation and primer.

how to create a sheer makeup look  2024 various sources


Base makeup has various kinds of products, such as foundation and primer. The two colors are almost the same, so these products are sometimes mistaken for the same. So that you don't use it incorrectly, this is the difference between foundation and primer.

1. Primer is a makeup base that is used before using skincare. Meanwhile, foundation is applied after primer.

2. Primer works by filling skin gaps and forming a layer of skin to even out skin texture. Meanwhile, foundation works to even out skin tone so it doesn't become streaky.

3. Primer can control excessive sebum and sweat, so it can prevent makeup from fading. Meanwhile, foundation makes makeup more flawless.
