foto: TikTok/@coelabeauty

Not only the buildup of dead skin cells, exposure to sunlight can also play a big role in making the skin texture rough and uneven.

  22 April 2024 07:25 - Having a face that looks smooth, smooth, glowing and evenly bright really makes your face look fresher. Apart from that, the skin also looks healthier. However, getting your dream face is not an easy matter. Because many factors actually make the face feel rough, textured and look dull. This uneven or rough skin texture generally results from excess dead skin cells accumulating on the surface of the skin.

Not only the buildup of dead skin cells , excessive sun exposure can also play a big role in making the skin texture rough and uneven. Even the size of the pores will appear larger than they should be. Smoking habits and other skin conditions such as eczema and dry skin will also affect skin color and texture.

Generally, the characteristics of rough or textured skin are bumpy, dry, scaly, black spots appear, hyperpigmentation, fine lines appear, pores appear enlarged, and wrinkles appear in several areas of the face. This condition is quite disturbing to one's appearance and reduces a person's self-confidence. For this reason, quite a few people are looking for ways to smooth their rough faces.

Starting from having treatments at beauty clinics, using skincare products such as facial scrubs , to using natural ingredients. Facial scrubs are formulated to remove dead skin cells or dirt that cause the face to feel rough. It's not surprising that there are many facial scrub products sold on the market with various ingredients and varying prices.

Even though there are natural ingredients that are more economical and no less effective at helping smooth a rough face, you know. As shared by a TikToker via his personal account @coelabeauty on January 19 2024, which contains how to treat rough facial skin with just 1 type of fruit. The fruit in question is avocado.

The content and benefits of avocado for smoothing rough and textured faces.

Avocado how to treat rough facial skin TikTok

Avocados are a way to treat rough facial skin

Avocado is a type of fruit that has a multitude of benefits for facial skin beauty. This is thanks to the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other nutrients contained in avocados. Not only does it moisturize and strengthen skin protection, avocado can also work as a natural exfoliator. Namely, it is able to clean the skin by removing dirt and excess oil trapped in the skin pores.

In fact, avocado can also help remove dead skin cells that have accumulated. For this reason, avocado can help smooth and even out rough skin texture. Regular use as a facial mask will make the skin feel smoother, firmer, moisturized and evenly bright.

Just with avocado you can make an effective facial mask to soften rough facial texture. This is how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @coelabeauty, Sunday (21/4).

Avocado how to treat rough facial skin TikTok

Avocados are a way to treat rough facial skin


- 1/8 ripe avocado

How to create and use:

1. Peel the avocado and mash it using a fork or spoon until it is really soft
2. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
3. Apply to face thoroughly (thickly on parts that are prone to dryness and roughness)
4. Leave it until dry
5. Rinse using water until clean
6. Continue using your favorite moisturizer
7. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.

Avocado how to treat rough facial skin TikTok

Avocados are a way to treat rough facial skin

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