foto: TikTok/@lalaklara27

This woman only relies on one kitchen ingredient.

  8 Juli 2024 06:00 - Please note that hair consists of a protein called keratin which functions to provide strength and resilience to each strand of hair. Even so, genetic factors play an important role in influencing the thickness and structure of hair, such as straight, curly or frizzy.

Among the various types of hair, curly hair is one type of hair that is difficult to care for. For those with curly hair, they often face the problem of frizzy hair that is difficult to style. However, that doesn't mean curly hair can't be managed.

Caring for curly hair is not as simple as caring for straight hair because curly hair easily expands like a lion's hair. It takes extra patience and diligence to get neat hair. As a result, many people decide to undergo hair straightening treatment, so that it is easier to manage and is considered more beautiful if they have straight hair.

Well, one of the hair treatments that is often done is rebonding. Rebonding is a method of straightening hair by changing the structure of curly hair to straight. Therefore, the straightening drugs used usually contain quite strong chemicals. Well, this is what often causes hair to become damaged if it is not cared for properly after the rebonding treatment.

Like the story shared by a TikTok user with the account name @lalaklara27, who told about his hair becoming brittle after deciding to rebond it. Even so, he managed to restore the health of his hair with several treatments.

A girl who rebonded her hair ended up brittle, here's how to care for it TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lalaklara27

"My curly hair journey, bonding makes my hair break and rough," he wrote in the uploaded video, which was published by from the TikTok account @lalaklara27, Saturday (6/7).

Through this 19 second video, the account owner known as Lala decided to rebond. The reason is, he has curly and fluffy hair. After rebonding, the hair becomes automatically straight and easy to manage. But unfortunately, hair becomes brittle, so it looks thin and breaks easily.

"It looks beautiful but it turns out to be thin & breaks easily," said Lala.

A girl who rebonded her hair ended up brittle, here's how to care for it TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lalaklara27

Even over time, when her hair starts to grow longer, her hair becomes irregular in shape. The reason is, the hair that grows remains curly, while the ends of the hair look straight (rebonding marks). Because of this, Lala has to dye her hair every day to make it look neater.

Unfortunately, his hair condition got worse. Hair becomes thinner, brittle and breaks easily. Finally, Lala decided to cut off all her hair that had been rebonded. This is done so that the hair becomes healthy again even though it has a curly structure.

Not only that, Lala also cares for her curly hair by using natural ingredients. He uses a hair mask regularly using a combination of candlenut and coconut milk. As a result, curly hair grows healthier and is more defined. In fact, even though it is curly, the hair is easy to manage and anti-tangle.

A girl who rebonded her hair ended up brittle, here's how to care for it TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lalaklara27

"I continue to care for my hair with natural ingredients. Until finally my curly hair grows healthy. The curls are more defined when styling," concluded Lala.

Candlenut content to overcome brittle and difficult to manage hair.

Candlenuts contain linoleic fatty acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, which are believed to be able to nourish and prevent hair damage. Not only that, the protein and mineral content in it can also strengthen hair follicles while strengthening hair from root to tip. As a result, hair becomes easy to manage and anti-frizz.

Benefits of coconut milk to strengthen hair.

The benefits of coconut milk for hair include helping to moisturize the hair and scalp. This is thanks to the fatty acid content which functions as a natural moisturizer for hair. Fatty acids can also repair hair that is damaged due to being too dry and brittle.

Well, you can treat damaged and brittle hair using a combination of these two natural ingredients. To do this, you need to prepare a few candlenuts and enough coconut milk. Blend the two then put them in a spray bottle. Apply to the stem to the ends of the hair. Leave it for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water until clean. Do this method regularly 2 times a week to get optimal results.
