
This method focuses on using skincare products, especially toner, in a more efficient and effective way.

  30 Juli 2024 15:10 - The beautiful skin of Japanese women has become an attraction in the world of beauty. The methods used by Japanese women to care for beautiful skin have been imitated by many people, almost all over the world. One that is quite popular is CSM or Concentrated Skincare Method.

This method is a skincare application technique developed by Japanese beauty expert, Chizu Saeki. CSM or Concentrated Skincare Method focuses on using skincare products, especially toner, in a more efficient and effective way. Saeki, in his book "The Japanese Skincare Revolution", explains that CSM aims to maximize the absorption of active ingredients into the skin by minimizing the amount of product used.

You need to know that the basic principle of CSM is to use skincare products in small quantities but in high concentration, and apply them with a special technique that ensures optimal absorption. This method is very different from traditional approaches which often involve using large amounts of multiple products.

Benefits of CSM for the face.

what is CSM

what is CSM

1. Increase product effectiveness.

CSM works by increasing the absorption of active ingredients into the skin. According to research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, proper application techniques can increase penetration of active ingredients by up to 40%. In CSM, toner is applied gently using the palms of the hands, which helps increase skin temperature and opens pores, thereby facilitating better absorption.

2. Save on products.

One of the main benefits of CSM is the efficiency of product use. Dr. Kazumi Toyama, dermatologist at Tokyo Skin Clinic, explains that CSM can use less product but get more optimal results. This not only saves money but also reduces product wastage.

3. Increase skin hydration.

CSM is very effective in increasing skin hydration. Quoting from, Tuesday (30/7) a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science shows that toner application using the CSM method can increase the water content in the stratum corneum by up to 30% compared to traditional application methods.

4. Improve skin texture.

Consistent use of CSM helps improve skin texture. Quoting Dr. Yuki Miyashita from the Japan Dermatological Association stated that application of toner using the CSM method helps gently exfoliate the skin and stimulates cell turnover, which results in smoother and brighter skin.

5. Improves circulation.

The CSM application technique involves light massage which can help improve blood circulation in the face. Improved circulation according to Dr. Naoko Kumano, anti-aging expert in Tokyo, CSM helps provide nutrition to skin cells and encourages collagen production.

How CSM works.

what is CSM

what is CSM

CSM is a beauty method that can make your face automatically bright and moist like a Japanese woman. But behind the benefits, maybe you are curious about how CSM works on the face? The way CSM works has several steps, as compiled from various sources, Tuesday (30/7).

1. Thorough cleaning.

CSM begins with thorough facial cleansing. This is important to remove dirt, oil and makeup residue that can hinder the absorption of skincare products.

2. Toner application.

After cleansing your face, pour a small amount of toner (about the size of a coin) into the palm of your hand. Warm the toner by rubbing your palms together.

3. Gentle pressure.

Gently press your palms against your face, focusing on drier or problem areas. Hold for 3-5 seconds.

4. Light pat.

After pressing, pat your face gently using the entire palm of your hand. This step helps increase absorption and circulation.

5. Repeat if necessary.

If skin still feels dry, repeat the process with the same amount of toner.

6. Continue with other products.

After the toner is completely absorbed, continue with other skincare products such as serum or moisturizer.

After knowing the benefits and steps of the CSM beauty method, you need to know that not all skin types are suitable. Therefore, you can try CSM at a low frequency and increase it gradually to see your skin's reaction.
