
These contents are often found in serum form.

  18 April 2024 19:10 - Having bright and shining skin is everyone's dream. Bright skin indicates healthy skin when compared to dull skin. Sometimes, there are some people who are blessed with bright skin genes without having to use various care products.

Apart from genes, bright and clean skin can also be obtained by taking care of the skin from the inside and outside. One of the main keys to having bright skin is ensuring that your skin is always clean and avoiding the potential for making your face dull. Examples include avoiding skin from vehicle pollution and direct exposure to sunlight.

Bright skin can also be obtained by eating healthy foods such as vegetables and fruit which have a high vitamin content, especially vitamin E which is good for the skin. Consuming enough water is also necessary to make skin healthier and radiant.

Apart from that, you can brighten your skin by using skincare with effective ingredients . So what are the skincare ingredients that can make your skin brighter? Check out the following information, as summarized by from various sources, Thursday (18/4).

Intern/Himmatul Ahsana

1. Glycolic acid.

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Reporting from, apart from brightening the skin, glycolid acid can also moisturize and has a good role in increasing collagen production in the skin. Usually used in moisturizer products, facial masks, and serums, this product turns out to have good benefits for treating hyperpigmentation.

One of the causes of dull skin that is far from bright is exposure to hot UV rays which makes the skin dull. Glycolic acid is able to reduce signs of damage caused by UV rays.

2. Niacinamide.

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Launching from the page, this ingredient, which is also called vitamin B3, has the benefit of brightening the skin, preventing signs of aging, and can reduce acne on the skin. Usually products containing niacinamide are often found in skincare products such as serums, moisturizers and cleansers.

Usually used in products in the morning and evening, the niacinamide content tends to be safe for sensitive skin. Having a powerful brightening effect, skincare users and even doctors often make skincare products containing niacinamide their favorite products.

3. Vitamin C

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According to, the ingredients that are often found in this serum can actually increase collagen production in the skin and protect it from damage caused by sunlight. Most people's skin is suitable for this content.

Apart from that, other benefits include preventing sagging skin, reducing hyperpigmentation, providing a brightening effect on the skin, hydrating the skin, and reducing redness on the face. Skincare containing vitamin C will indeed make your skin look shinier. However, if using vitamin C serum actually irritates the skin, use must be stopped.

4. Hyaluronic acid.

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Reporting from the page, generally hyaluronic acid is intended to make the skin moist. However, hyaluronic acid can also brighten the skin by helping the cell renewal process optimally. Moreover, if you use hyaluronic acid with niacinamide simultaneously, the results will be optimal.

Often used as a serum, hyaluronic acid is an ingredient that is suitable for those of you who live in tropical areas because its main ability is to keep the skin moist and hydrated.

5. Alpha arbutin.

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From the explanation reported by, alpha arbutin is an ingredient that has natural antioxidants that can brighten the skin naturally. Its function is to reduce melanin formation, improve the appearance of age spots, and post-inflammatory pigmentation.

Alpha arbutin has also been proven to effectively brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation caused by UV rays and free radicals.

6. Tranexamide acid.

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Safe for most skin types, as reported by, this ingredient can brighten the skin by reducing dark spots on the face and reducing hyperpigmentation. Apart from that, tranexamide acid also has other benefits such as strengthening the skin barrier, reducing dark spots, and reducing damage due to sun exposure.

Generally, tranexamide acid is often contained in skincare products such as moisturizers and cleansers. You can get maximum results if you combine this ingredient with niacinamide and vitamin C to produce brighter skin.

7. Kojic acid.

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Kojic acid is often found in cosmetic and skincare products such as soap, cream and serum. Reporting from, this ingredient can brighten the skin by alleviating skin damage and the dull effects of exposure to UV rays, reducing age spots, and reducing scars on the skin.

This content has antifungal properties so it can treat fungal infections of the skin. However, you also need to be careful because this ingredient can cause the side effect of contact dermatitis which makes the skin itchy and red. Use wisely and if there is an allergic reaction, stop using it.

8. Shymwhite 377.

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Reporting from, this ingredient is an active ingredient that is effective in brightening the skin. It is even said that this content surpasses the benefits of niacinamide and kojic acid in brightening the skin. Apart from that, this content helps overcome the problem of uneven skin tone and makes the skin look radiant.

Minimal side effects when used, this ingredient is usually used in serum, facial wash, face cream and bath soap.

9. Licorice extract.

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Reporting from, this content is able to remove excess melanin and can brighten the skin. With its antioxidants, this content is able to prevent the formation of black spots on the face and at the same time fade them.

On the other hand, it turns out that this content also has benefits for controlling oil production in the skin. This ingredient is usually found in skincare products such as serum.

10. Retinol.

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Reporting from, retinol can help fade hyperpigmentation and make dead skin cells easily peel off quickly. That way, this content will also encourage new skin cells to grow to replace old skin cells. Finally, dead skin cells that peel and become dull are replaced with new skin cells that are cleaner and brighter.

Usually used as an ingredient in serums, retinol can also increase the production of collagen in the skin and elastin which will make the skin more supple. Retinol can also fight damage caused by sun exposure.

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