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Brilio.net/en - Laura Hillier probably did not have the opportunity to graduate high school or receive a yearbook, yet her classmates heartwarming tribute for her is beyond value of any yearbook in the world.
The world has set abuzz last week, as Barbie underwent a complete makeover to represent more realistic images of beauty.
The doll that is famous for its physically-impossible thin waist, long legs and permanently arched hells, is now will be sold in three new ready body types curvy, tall and petite.
Barbie will also be more diverse, coming in seven skin tones, 22 eye colours and 24 hairstyles. More importantly of all, for the first time in her 57 years old of history,
Barbies foot is made movable, allowing her to kick off her hells and wear flats like the rest of girls in this world.
And now that Barbie has evolved into a more realistic fine lady, where does that leave Ken?
The ever loyal boyfriend, Ken has been together with Barbie for 55 years! Just like his female counterpart, Ken is depicted as a fashionable lad with mad muscular and tanned body. Much like the original Barbie model, which is so anatomically out of proportion scientists declared she wouldn't be able to walk, the Ken doll sets a high standard for physical perfection.
So, as Barbie now has more realistic body image, the men of Twitter are also demanding the same equality for Kens body.
The Twitter crowds are demanding for more realistic Kens body, which include an addition of beer belly. The new dad-bods Ken comes in a slightly chubbier body form, double chin and rounder belly. His skin will not be as tanned as the original Ken, as his hobbies are more diverse that lounging & sunbathing at the beach like the old Ken.
Critics argued that the current Kens body is not only detrimental for girls, but also destructive for boys. With his washboard abs and small ankle, men would have a hard time competing with this fantasy image that women are raised to accept as ideal. Critics that dead-bods Ken is hoped to address.
"Dadbod" is a buzzword for a special kind of man - one who doesn't spend all day at the gym and is not afraid to be a bit cuddly.
"While we all love a sculpted guy, there is just something about the dadbod that makes boys seem more human, natural and attractive," said Mackenzie Pearson, who is credited with starting the dadbod revolution.
What do you think of the dad-bods Ken?
(Reported by: Nadia Bintoro)