Behind the beautiful nail polish colors, it turns out there is an unexpected manufacturing process, you know.

  9 Mei 2024 17:25 - For a woman, looking beautiful is not only seen from the use of makeup and stylish clothes. The beauty of women can also be radiated from the use of nail polish that decorates their fingers. Nail polish has a variety of colors and designs that make nails more attractive.

Behind its appearance which can make fingers beautiful , nail polish is also used as a form of one's self-expression. This is because nail polish can be made in colors and shapes according to your wishes.

Providing beautiful colors, making nail polish cannot be separated from the process which combines various raw materials ranging from a mixture of resin, color pigments, solvents and thickeners. These raw materials are mixed in the right proportions to create the desired nail polish formula. During this process, pigments are added to create a variety of different colors.

All raw materials are then heated and mixed thoroughly. This step is used to ensure that all ingredients are mixed well and the nail polish formula reaches the desired consistency. Before packaging, nail polish products are tested to ensure that they meet established quality standards , including color and coating durability. After passing quality testing, the nail polish is packaged in bottles and ready to be distributed to the market.

That is the process of making nail polish that complies with product suitability standards. But what happens if the process of making nail polish is done haphazardly? Even nail polish manufacturing places are not like cosmetic factories and tend to be dirty, as recently demonstrated by YouTube user @Swapnatalks. In the video upload, you can see the process of making fake nail polish that will make you wonder. For those of you who are curious, let's look at the portrait below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @Swapnatalks, Thursday (9/5).

1. At the beginning of the video you are presented with a pile of nail polish bottles placed on the table.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

2. It looks like the table is covered in colorful stains from spilled nail polish.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

3. The man then arranged the nail polish bottles one by one on the used cardboard.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

4. In the next minute, he took the nail polish dye that was in a large jerry can.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

5. The jerry can is dirty and you can see black dust on the top. Surprisingly, you can clearly see traces of drying color in the container.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

6. Then the man started pouring red liquid into a 1 liter bottle. There are several colors poured, namely purple, red, pink and orange.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

7. Without using gloves or cleaning, the man immediately put the dye into the nail polish bottle. This process also makes the place where nail polish is made like an ink factory.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

8. Switch to the color processing area. This nail polish factory mixes colors using a large mixer, complete with stirrer and container. In this process, what really made me wonder was that the mixing container was full of traces of dried color. Not only that, on the side of the mixer you can clearly see a very dirty, brownish spot.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks

9. In the final stage, the man can be seen starting to arrange the nail polish on the package and it is ready to be marketed.

The portrait of making nail polish can't stop thinking about various sources

photo: YouTube/@Swapnatalks
