foto: Instagram/@chandnisahu20 - It cannot be denied that as time goes by, everyone goes through the aging phase. When entering the aging phase, a person's physical condition continues to decline. Not only that, the aging factor also makes your skin more susceptible to signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines and black spots.
Aging can occur more quickly when someone adopts an unhealthy lifestyle. This condition can also occur when you don't compensate with skincare or topical product care. This habit makes the skin lack moisture and accelerates the signs of aging. It even makes the skin lack nutrients, such as antioxidants and fatty acids which are good for skin health.
Apart from that, activities carried out outside and not using sunscreen make the skin easily exposed to sunlight. If this happens continuously, it can damage collagen and elastin in the skin. The impact is that the skin looks dull, causing wrinkles and fine lines.
Therefore, the first step you need to take to slow down aging is to apply sunscreen. After that, treat the skin using skincare products and apply a topical mask.
The use of this natural mask was shared by the owner of the Instagram account @chandnisahu20. In a video upload that has been watched 2.2 million times, the woman uses black coffee powder and aloe vera.
Black coffee and aloe vera have benefits that can slow down aging. Aloe vera contains antioxidant compounds such as vitamins A, C, and E as well as flavonoids, which help fight cell damage caused by free radicals and keep skin healthy.
Aloe vera gel has natural moisturizing properties that help maintain skin moisture, reducing the likelihood of fine lines and wrinkles. The amino acid content in aloe vera can stimulate the production of collagen, an important protein that provides strength and elasticity to the skin.
Meanwhile, black coffee powder contains antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and polyphenols. All of these ingredients help fight cell damage and slow down the skin aging process. Reporting from, Wednesday (8/5) the caffeine in black coffee can increase blood circulation, helping supply nutrients and oxygen to skin cells. So it can speed up the cell regeneration process and slow down the signs of aging. The caffeine content in black coffee has a vasoconstrictor effect, which can help constrict the blood vessels around the eyes and reduce the appearance of eye bags.
By knowing the benefits of the ingredients above to slow down aging, are you interested in using them? Below are the steps you can follow, as reported by from the Instagram channel @chandnisahu20, Wednesday (8/5).
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- 1 tablespoon black coffee powder
- 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel.
How to make:
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1. Prepare a clean bowl
2. Mix black coffee powder
3. Pour in aloe vera gel
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. The mask is ready for you to use.
How to use:
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1. Make sure your face is clean
2. Apply the mask evenly to your face
3. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes
4. Rinse the mask using plain water
5. Dry using a clean towel or tissue
6. Use this mask before going to bed and apply it regularly to keep your face youthful.
Coffee helps prevent dry facial skin.
Coffee is not only used to slow down aging, this drink powder also treats dry faces. Coffee, especially in the form of a scrub or mask, can help remove dead skin cells and freshen the skin. This can help increase the skin's natural moisture by allowing subsequent skin care products to be more easily absorbed by the skin.
Coffee contains antioxidants that can fight damage caused by free radicals. Using coffee in skin care products can also provide anti-aging benefits and protect the skin from environmental damage. In addition, the caffeine content in coffee can help increase blood circulation to facial skin. Able to supply nutrients and oxygen to skin cells, making coffee effective in maintaining natural moisture and healthy skin.
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