
Facial care is also important to support men's appearance.

  13 Agustus 2024 14:11 - Facial care is no longer just for women. More and more men are starting to realize the importance of taking care of their facial skin to maintain their health and appearance. However, for many guys, the world of skincare can feel confusing and overwhelming. How do you choose the right product? What are the characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men's skin?

It is important to remember that men's skin has different characteristics than women's skin. In general, men's skin tends to be thicker, oilier, and has larger pores. Therefore, not all skincare products that are suitable for women will be suitable for men. Recognizing the characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men is the first step in building an effective facial care routine.

One of the characteristics of skincare suitable for men is a light and fast-absorbing formulation. Products that are too heavy or sticky tend to be disliked by men and can cause problems such as acne or blackheads. In addition, products that are able to control excess oil without drying the skin are also characteristics of skincare suitable for men's skin.

Here are seven characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men's skin , as summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (13/8).

1. Does not cause irritation or redness.

Characteristics of suitable skincare  2024


One of the characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men's skin is that it does not cause irritation or redness after use. Men's skin tends to be thicker and oilier than women's skin, so some products may be too harsh for men's skin. If after using a skincare product your skin feels comfortable without any burning, itching, or redness, that's a good sign that the product is right for you.

2. Absorbs quickly and is not sticky.

Men generally prefer skincare products that absorb quickly and do not leave a sticky feeling on the skin. The characteristics of skincare suitable for men include a light texture and easy absorption. If after applying the product your skin feels moist but not oily or sticky, it indicates that the product is suitable for your skin type.

3. Reduces shine and controls excess oil.

Men's skin tends to be oilier due to higher sebum production. Therefore, the characteristics of skincare suitable for men include the ability to reduce shine and control excess oil. If you feel your face looks more matte and less oily after using a skincare product, it is a sign that the product is effective for your skin.

4. Increases skin moisture without making it oily.

Characteristics of suitable skincare  2024


Although men's skin tends to be oily, it is still important to maintain its moisture. The characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men are able to moisturize the skin without making it too oily. If your skin feels moist, supple, and healthy without looking excessively shiny, it indicates that the skincare products you are using are right.

5. Reduces the appearance of large pores.

Men generally have larger and more visible pores than women. The characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men's skin include the ability to minimize the appearance of pores. If after some time using a skincare product you feel that the pores on your face look smaller and less conspicuous, it is a sign that the product is working well for your skin.

6. Helps overcome specific skin problems.

Characteristics of suitable skincare  2024


Everyone has different skin problems. The characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men are able to overcome specific skin problems that you experience, such as acne, acne scars, or dull skin. If you see improvements in the skin problems you experience after using skincare products consistently, it indicates that the product is effective for you.

7. Does not cause breakouts or new acne.

Finally, the characteristics of skincare that is suitable for men's skin are that it does not cause breakouts or new acne. If after using a skincare product there is no increase in the number of acne or blackheads, or maybe even a decrease, it is a sign that the product is suitable for your skin type and does not clog pores.

Tricks for choosing and using skincare for men.

To ensure you get products with skincare characteristics suitable for men, follow these tips:

1. It is important to know whether your skin is oily, dry, combination, or sensitive.
2. Focus on cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen before adding other products.
3. This product will not clog pores and reduce the risk of acne.
4. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid for oily skin, hyaluronic acid for moisture, or niacinamide to minimize pores.
5. Before using a new product, test it on a small area of skin to ensure there is no allergic reaction.
6. Use skincare products regularly to see optimal results.
7. Choose products that are practical and easy to use according to your daily routine.
