
Pay attention to the safe date for using skincare if you don't want it to end in sorrow.

  26 Agustus 2024 05:30

Brilio.net - Many people crave smooth facial skin free from acne scars. Various skincare products are tried to achieve the desired results. However, in this effort, there is one important thing that is often overlooked , namely paying attention to the expiration date of skincare products. Using products that have passed their safe use period can lead to serious skin problems, even damaging the face.

One such case is what happened to a young woman using the TikTok account @beasteater. Through several uploads on her TikTok account, her face was seen damaged and full of burns. The burns did not just happen, initially this was because she used skincare products to treat acne and its scars, such as cream.

"I always show you my acne," said beasteater as quoted by briliobeauty.net from TikTok @beasteater on Monday (26/8).

Damaged face using expired skincare from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beasteater

The cream is believed to be able to remove acne and its black marks. However, because she did not check the product that had been used, she felt something strange on her face, it even felt like it was burning.

Damaged face using expired skincare from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beasteater

Feeling something strange, the woman then washed her face and did a facial steam treatment. The anticipatory step did not relieve the irritation, but made her face worse. After investigating, it turned out that this was because the skincare used had expired.

"Got a life-threatening chemical burn infection on my face," another video captioned it.

Damaged face using expired skincare from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beasteater

Not only burns, his face was also red in the T-zone area. Feeling that it was not getting better, after four days, the netizen went for a check-up with a dermatologist. Through the examination, he was diagnosed with a bacterial infection.

Following what happened on the TikTok account @beasteater, a cosmetic doctor at America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon named Youn, via the TikTok account @doctoryoun explained that bacterial infections due to expired products could enter his bloodstream.

Damaged face using expired skincare from various sources

photo: TikTok/@beasteater

After undergoing treatment at the clinic, her burns slowly dried up. Now her face is healthy and smooth again.

"Skincare scares me now," added the caption in the video upload.
