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21 Agustus 2016 20:30

In Brief: Legendary Broadcaster Yasir Den Has Announces Upcoming Book

The man whose voice captivated Indonesia is taking on the written word. Angga Roni Priambodo
In Brief: Legendary Broadcaster Yasir Den Has Announces Upcoming Book

Brilio.net/en -Yasir Den Has, the Indonesian broadcasting icon, has announced an upcoming book.

If yougre up in the 80s or 90s, you would befamiliar towith thetelevision station TVRI, the official government mouthpiece through those decades. The primetime broadcasters on that station were a staple of everyone's daily lives.

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Yasir was one.

The man from Bukittinggi in North Sulawesialso lent his skills to radio advertising, but since retiring he can mostly be seen on Facebook, where he has a reputation for kindly engaging with his fans.

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Yasirused his page toannounceKiat Sukses Menjadi Presenter Profesional, Edukasi Di Balik Biografi Yasir Den Has Penyiar Teladan Kaya Pengalaman (Ways of Being a Professional Presenter, Education Behind Biography of the Experienced Broadcaster Yasir Den Has), his upcoming book, which recounts his professional life.

"Coming soon. Just wait," he wrote.

For you who miss his gentle voice, feel free to watch video below:

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