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11 November 2015 18:00

What is Trichotillomania? Here’s an explanation from one who has it

Klara tends to pull out her hair when she is upset. Sabar Artiyono
What is Trichotillomania? Here’s an explanation from one who has it

Brilio.net/en - Not only physical, but psychological disorders also have variations. One of them is trichotillomania in which the sufferer will vent his or her emotion by pulling out her or his hair. You might not believe it, but heres a story from someone that actually has this particular disorder.

She introduces herself as Klara (20). The woman from Wonosobo, Central Java is currently studying in a university in Jambi. She has had trichotillomania since she was in third grade. Unconsciously, she pulls out her hair when she is upset. Her mother was suspicious to see her getting bald. After pulling out my hair, I put it inside the sofa and my mom found it when cleaning the house, said Klara to brilio.net via Brilios Toll-free number 0800-1-555-999, Tuesday (20/10).

She admitted that it is caused by her dads violent tendencies. When I was an elementary student, my dad threw a plate of fried rice because I did not want to buy him a cigarette, said Klara.

When she was a junior high school student, she had recovered from trichotillomania. But it was only for a year, and when I was a high school student, I suffered from it again said Klara. At that time, emotional instability caused by romance attracted the disorder back again.

The psychological disorder affected her other behaviors and it makes her uncomfortable. Now I become a perfectionist and it makes me slow in doing something, she revealed. Klara also cannot do what others usually do. I cannot bear the thought of wearing wet sandals, she explained.

Besides the psychological changes, she also experiences baldness. I often pull out my eyebrows, she said.
This disorder often distracts her when socializing. When my friends go to another friends house to stay the night, I choose not to come, Klara said. She does not feel comfortable when her boyfriend touches her head.

Oddly enough, Klara has not consulted with a psychologist. I avoid face to face communication because I feel uncomfortable, she said. She just read blogs and stories on the internet from people who have similar stories with her all this time.

This story is delivered by Klara via Brilio.net Toll free number 0-800-1-555-999. Everyone has a story. Yes! Everyone has untold success, love, sad, inspiring, mystery, adventure, or life struggle stories that they for themselves. If you have an interesting story, call us and share your story!

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