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4 September 2024 15:35

Various types of Hajj in Islam, complete with explanations

A good understanding helps pilgrims in performing Hajj. Hapsari Afdilla
Unsplash.com; Freepik.com

Brilio.net - Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam that must be performed by Muslims who are able, both physically and financially. Hajj is a holy journey to Baitullah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, performed in the month of Dhul Hijjah in the Islamic calendar. The implementation of Hajj has a deep meaning for every Muslim, as a form of devotion to Allah SWT and following the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim AS.

In its implementation, Hajj worship has several ways or methods that can be chosen by pilgrims according to their conditions and abilities. Understanding the various ways of performing the Hajj is very important for prospective pilgrims, so that they can prepare themselves well and perform the Hajj perfectly.

A good understanding of the pillars and obligations of Hajj will help pilgrims in performing Hajj more solemnly and in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia. Learn together the various Hajj practices, so that you can prepare yourself.

Quoted by brilio.net from various sources, here are 3 types of Hajj in Islam and their explanations, Wednesday (4/9).

Various Ways of Performing Hajj Worship

like performing the Islamic Hajj
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In Islam, there are three main ways of performing Hajj that pilgrims can choose. Each method has different provisions and procedures. The following is a detailed explanation of the three ways of performing the Hajj:

1. Hajj tamattu'.

Haji Tamattu' is the most common form of Hajj performed by Indonesian pilgrims. In this method, pilgrims perform Umrah first in the months of Hajj (Syawal, Dzulqa'dah, and Dzulhijjah), then take tahallul (remove ihram) and wait for the time of Hajj to arrive.

Steps for the implementation of Hajj Tamattu':

1. Put on ihram for umrah from miqat
2. Perform umrah (tawaf, sa'i, and tahallul)
3. Take off ihram and wait for Hajj time
4. Return to Ihram for Hajj on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah
5. Perform the Hajj chain of worship (wukuf, mabit in Muzdalifah and Mina, throwing jumrah, tawaf ifadah, and sa'i)

The advantage of Hajj Tamattu' is that pilgrims can perform tahallul after Umrah, so they can rest and prepare for the Hajj. However, Haji Tamattu' pilgrims are required to pay a dam (fine) in the form of slaughtering a goat or fasting for 10 days.

2. Ifrad Hajj.

Ifrad Hajj is a way of performing Hajj where pilgrims only intend to perform Hajj, without performing Umrah first. The Ifrad Hajj pilgrims remain in a state of ihram from the time of miqat until the completion of the hajj.

The steps of performing Hajj Ifrad:

1. Ihram for hajj from miqat
2. Perform tawaf qudum (welcome circumambulation)
3. Perform the Hajj
4. Stay in ihram until the day of Hajj
5. Perform the Hajj chain of worship (wukuf, mabit in Muzdalifah and Mina, throwing jumrah, tawaf ifadah)

The advantage of Hajj Ifrad is that the pilgrims are not required to pay a tax. However, this method may be more challenging because the pilgrims must remain in a state of ihram for a longer period of time.

3. Hajj qiran.

Hajj Qiran is a way of performing Hajj where pilgrims intend to perform Hajj and Umrah simultaneously. The Hajj Qiran congregation remains in a state of ihram from the miqat until the completion of the hajj and umrah.

The steps of Hajj Qiran:

1. Ihram for Hajj and Umrah at the same time from miqat
2. Perform tawaf qudum and sa'i
3. Stay in ihram until the day of Hajj
4. Perform the Hajj chain of worship (wukuf, mabit in Muzdalifah and Mina, throwing jumrah, tawaf ifadah)
5. Perform the Hajj if it has not been done before

The advantage of Hajj Qiran is that pilgrims only need to perform Tawaf and Sa'i once for Hajj and Umrah. However, like Haji Tamattu', pilgrims of Haji Qiran are also required to pay the dam.

Pilgrimage and obligatory Hajj.

like performing the Islamic Hajj
2024 Unsplash.com/Various Resources

In the implementation of Hajj, there are pillars and obligations of Hajj that must be understood and implemented by the pilgrims. Here is the explanation:

Pillars of Hajj.

Rukun Hajj is a series of practices that must be performed in Hajj and cannot be replaced with a dam (fine) if omitted. The pillars of Hajj consist of:

1. Ihram (intention)
2. Wukuf in Arafah
3. Tawaf Ifadah
4. Sa'i
5. Tahallul (shaving or cutting hair)
6. Order (implementing the pillars in order)

Mandatory Hajj.

Hajj is a practice that must be done in the Hajj, but if left out it can be replaced by paying a fine. Hajj includes:

1. Ihram from miqat
2. Mabit (overnight) in Muzdalifah
3. Trapped in Mina
4. Throwing jumrah
5. Tawaf Wada' (tawaf farewell)

A good understanding of the pillars and obligations of Hajj will help pilgrims in performing Hajj more perfectly and in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia.

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