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4 September 2024 23:13

Various types of conjunctions in Indonesian and examples

Conjunctions are connecting words used to connect words, phrases, or sentences in Indonesian. Annisa Endriyati Utami
Various types of conjunctions in Indonesian and examples

Brilio.net - Conjunctions are connecting words used to connect words, phrases, or sentences in Indonesian. The use of proper conjunctions is very important in constructing clear and effective sentences. By using conjunctions, we can more easily convey thoughts and ideas, and clarify the relationship between parts of a sentence.

There are several types of conjunctions, each with different functions and ways of use. In this article , we will discuss the types of conjunctions commonly used in Indonesian along with examples. Understanding conjunctions will not only enrich your vocabulary, but will also improve your Indonesian language skills, both spoken and written. Let's look at the explanation of these various conjunctions so that we can use the language better.

Types of Conjunctions and Examples

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

This conjunction is used to connect two words, phrases, or sentences that have the same position. Examples of coordinating conjunctions are "and", "or", "but", and "however".
- Example:
- "I like reading and writing."
- "You can choose blue or red."

2. Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect the main sentence with the subordinate sentence (child clause). Some examples are "because", "if", "because", "in order to", and "although".
- Example:
- "I didn't go to school because I was sick."
- "If it rains, we will still play indoors."

3. Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that complement each other. Examples of these conjunctions are "either...or", "not only...but also", and "between...and".
- Example:
- "He is not only smart, but also diligent."
- "Between you and me, we have to learn together."

4. Comparative Conjunctions

Comparative conjunctions are used to show a comparison between two things. Examples of these conjunctions are "like", "better", and "than".
- Example:
- "He is better at math than I am."
- "This cat is cuter like a dog."

5. Explanatory Conjunctions

Explanatory conjunctions are used to provide further explanation of a statement. These conjunctions are usually "namely", "because", and "because".
- Example:
- "My hobby is reading, namely fiction novels."
- "He studies very hard because he wants to get high marks."

6. Causal Conjunctions

Causal conjunctions are used to show the cause or reason for a situation. Common examples are "because" and "hence".
- Example:
- "That's why he couldn't attend the event."
- "He studied hard, so he passed the exam."

Conjunctions play an important role in Indonesian, because they help construct clear and easy-to-understand sentences. By recognizing the various types of conjunctions and their examples, we can communicate better. Hopefully this article helps to better understand the various types of conjunctions in Indonesian, as well as enrich our vocabulary and daily language skills. Practice using conjunctions in everyday communication to become a more effective and skilled speaker or writer!

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