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11 September 2024 06:22

Types of usury: Understanding the types of usury in sharia economy

Riba is a term that we often hear in the economic context, especially in Islamic teachings. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Usury is a term we often hear in the context of economics, especially in Islamic teachings. In this article, we will discuss the various types of usury that you need to know. Understanding the types of usury is very important so that we can avoid them and live a financial life in accordance with sharia principles.

What is usury?
Before we discuss further about the types of usury, it is important to understand what usury is. Usury is generally defined as an additional or profit obtained from a loan of money. In Islam , usury is considered a prohibited practice because it can cause injustice and exploitation. Therefore, recognizing the types of usury is very important for those of you who want to live a life in accordance with sharia principles.

1. Usury Qardh

Riba Qardh is a type of usury that occurs when someone lends money to another person on the condition that the borrower must return a larger amount than the amount borrowed. For example, if you lend 1 million rupiah, and the borrower must return 1.2 million rupiah, then this falls into the category of usury. This practice is strictly prohibited in Islam because it is detrimental to the borrower.

2. Usury of the Age of Jahiliyah

Usury of Jahiliyah is a term that refers to the practice of usury that occurred before the advent of Islam. In this practice, if someone cannot pay their debt, then the amount of the debt will increase over time. For example, if someone borrows 1 million rupiah and cannot pay within the specified time, then their debt will increase to 1.5 million rupiah. This practice is very detrimental and is prohibited in Islamic teachings.

3. Riba Nasiah

Usury Nasiah is a type of usury related to delays in payment. In this practice, if someone borrows money and cannot pay on time, then he will be charged additional fees. For example, if you borrow 1 million rupiah and cannot pay within the specified time, then you will be charged an additional fee of 10% of the debt amount. This also falls under the category of usury and is prohibited in Islam.

4. Usury Fadhl

Riba Fadhl is a type of usury that occurs in transactions of buying and selling similar goods. For example, if you sell 1 kg of rice for 10 thousand rupiah and buy 1 kg of the same rice for 12 thousand rupiah, then this is included in the category of usury. In Islam, buying and selling transactions must be carried out in a fair manner and not harm either party.

5. Riba Mu'awadhah

Riba Mu'awadhah is a type of usury that occurs in transactions involving the exchange of goods or services. For example, if you exchange 1 unit of goods for another item of higher value, then this can be considered a practice of usury. In Islam, every transaction must be carried out in a fair manner and not harm either party.

Avoiding Riba in Daily Life

After understanding the various types of usury, it is important for you to avoid them in your daily life. One way to avoid usury is to choose a financial institution that implements sharia principles. Many sharia banks offer financial products that are free from usury. In addition, you can also learn more about sharia economics to understand how to transact in accordance with Islamic principles.

Usury is a practice that is prohibited in Islam and can cause injustice in society. By understanding the various types of usury, you can avoid it and live a better financial life. Always remember to choose transactions that are fair and in accordance with sharia principles. Hopefully this article is useful and increases your insight into usury.

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