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11 November 2015 10:52

Today in history: World War I ends with armistice

At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the Great War ends.
Today in history: World War I ends with armistice

Brilio.net/en - Early in the morning of 11 November 1918, with Germany facing defeat, signed an armistice with the Allies effectively ending the war.

The end of the war was brought upon the coming to power of Bolsheviks in Russia and also a fresh infusion of ground troops by the United States on the western front. The latter finally tipped the scale in favor of the Allies hence Germany was forced to stand down.

The "Great War" inflicted casualties of around 9 million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded. In addition, around five million civilians were also claimed by what is known as the most damaging war in humanity's history. It was often dubbed as the "war to end all wars" due to the extensive damage and destruction it caused.

The peace treaty that officially ended the conflict -the Treaty of Versailles- was not signed until 1919. However, not many realize that the demanding peace conditions forced upon Germany by the treaty actually laid the groundwork for World War II.

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