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27 September 2024 04:40

Three types of shooting techniques in basketball and their differences

Shooting the ball is one of the important elements in the game of basketball. Annisa Endriyati Utami
Three types of shooting techniques in basketball and their differences

Brilio.net - Shooting the ball is one of the important elements in the game of basketball. Players must have good shooting skills in order to score points for the team. In basketball, there are several types of shooting techniques used to produce accurate and effective shots. This article will discuss three types of shooting techniques in basketball and explain the differences between each technique.

  1. Set shoot technique (still shot)

The first technique commonly used in basketball is the Set Shoot or still shot. This technique is done with the feet parallel, where the player stands straight without jumping. Set shoots are usually used when the player has enough time and space to shoot without any pressure from the defender.

To do a set shoot, the player must ensure a stable body position and focus on the target, which is the basketball ring. The ball is held with both hands, with the dominant hand acting as a guide, while the other hand is used as a balancer. After that, the player lifts the ball towards the head and shoots it with a smooth wrist movement.

The difference between set shooting and other techniques is the absence of jumping movements. This technique relies more on body stability and accuracy than strength and speed. Set shooting is generally used when the player is in an open position, such as when making a free throw or a three-point shot without pressure from the opponent.

This type of shooting technique, such as the set shoot, is very effective if the player can maintain body balance and full concentration on the target.

  1. Jump shoot (Jump shot)

The second shooting technique is Jump Shoot or jump shot. This technique is one of the most common shooting techniques used in modern basketball games. Jump shoot is done by jumping before the ball is released towards the ring. This technique gives the player the advantage of jumping above the opponent's defense, making it more difficult for the opponent to block the shot.

To perform a jump shot, the player must first steady the foot position, then perform a vertical jump while carrying the ball above the head. When at the highest point of the jump, the player releases the ball using the wrist and fingers. This jumping motion provides additional firepower and a better angle to penetrate the defense.

The main difference between a jump shot and a set shot is that the jump gives the player a positional advantage over the defender. Jump shots are very useful when a player needs to make a quick shot or when under pressure from a defender. In addition, jump shots are often used in quick counterattack situations or when a player is trying to score points under pressure from an opponent.

In fast-paced games, shooting techniques such as jump shots are the main weapon for scoring points consistently.

  1. Lay-up (Shot near the basket)

The third shooting technique is the lay-up, which is a shooting technique that is done very close to the basket. Lay-up is one type of shooting technique that is used when the player is already in an attacking position very close to the basketball ring. This technique is often used in a quick counterattack situation or after the player has successfully passed the defender.

To perform a lay-up, the player dribbles the ball toward the hoop, then jumps off one foot while directing the ball toward the backboard or directly into the basket. Typically, the lay-up is done with the more dominant hand, and the shot uses the angle of the backboard to help the ball into the basket.

The main difference between a lay-up and a set shoot and a jump shoot is that it is very close to the basket, so the player does not need to shoot with great force. In addition, a lay-up is often done at high speed, considering the situation when the player is close to the ring and under pressure from the defender.

Shooting techniques such as lay-ups are often chosen because of their effectiveness in scoring points under the ring, especially in situations where it is difficult for defenders to block the shot.

The main differences between the three shooting techniques

The three shooting techniques in basketball, namely set shoot, jump shoot, and lay-up, have fundamental differences in terms of distance, body position, and shooting aim.

  • Set shot is done in a stationary position, without jumping, and is generally used when the player has enough space to shoot. This technique relies more on balance and shooting accuracy.
  • Jump shooting is done by jumping and releasing the ball at the highest point of the jump. This technique provides an advantage to avoid blocks from defenders and is generally used in fast attacking situations or under pressure from opponents.
  • Lay-ups are performed very close to the basket, usually after a player has approached the basket quickly. Lay-ups are used to score points from close range, and are especially effective in counterattack situations.

Each technique has its own role in the game of basketball. Players who are proficient in mastering these types of shooting techniques will be able to score points in various game situations.

Understanding and mastering the various shooting techniques in basketball is very important to improve game performance. Each technique, be it set shoot, jump shoot, or lay-up, has its own characteristics and differences that can be used according to the situation on the field.

Knowing when and how to use each technique will give a player an advantage in scoring points. Players who are skilled in using various shooting techniques will be more flexible and able to deal with various game conditions, both in situations of pressure from opponents and when they have free shooting space.

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