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4 Juni 2024 07:27

This strange lifehack, how to make a loose t-shirt collar look like new again, is a really effective idea

It doesn't take 5 minutes to make it like new again. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
This strange lifehack, how to make a loose t-shirt collar look like new again, is a really effective idea

Brilio.net - One of the primary needs that humans must have is clothing. Every day, at all times, modern humans must wear clothes in all their activities, especially outside the home.

However, the clothes you own won't always be worn all the time. There will be a time when you won't wear these clothes anymore. I don't know if it's because it's no longer suitable for wearing because the size is too small, or you're just bored of wearing the clothes.

Usually, clothing such as t-shirts will not be worn again if the shape is no longer suitable. For example, because the collar is too loose. So, for those of you who experience this, don't worry, because there are tricks, aka lifehacks, that can overcome this.

Reported by brilio.net from the TikTok account @risyadandson, the owner of this account shared a video upload showing how to make a loose t-shirt collar tight again. It turns out the method is really effective, you know!

"How to make a loose t-shirt collar look like new again," wrote the video caption.

photo: TikTok/@risyadandson

Initially, two men saw a lifehack video from another content creator from abroad. The video shows how to make a loose t-shirt collar tight again. The method is to grab the t-shirt with water.

Well, he was tempted to try to prove this lifehack. Immediately in the video it is shown, the two men in this video are preparing a piece of t-shirt whose collar is very loose.

photo: TikTok/@risyadandson

Next, in the kitchen they prepared the pan above which was half filled with water. The stove was turned on to make the water boil first.

Meanwhile, the t-shirt that had been used as experimental material was tied first. Then put the t-shirt in a pan with boiling water in it.

photo: TikTok/@risyadandson

After boiling for about ten minutes. The t-shirt was removed, drained, then dried using a hair dryer. After drying, you can see the appearance of the results of this strange lifehack.

Unexpectedly, when the t-shirt was worn by one of the men in the video, the collar that previously looked loose became tight again. Like a new t-shirt, the collar on the t-shirt still looks tight.

photo: TikTok/@risyadandson

This makes the owner of these two men satisfied with the results of this lifehack which has proven to be effective even though it looks strange.

Even so, many netizens doubt this lifehack. Some say whether this method is successful or not depends on the brand and quality of the t-shirt material.

"It depends on the price and quality of the t-shirt. I boiled mine and it shrank everything so small," said the account @viko486.

"I've tried it but I made the mistake of boiling water instead of using instant noodles," said the account @penghibur_lara5.

"Am I the only one who just found out about this method but many of my t-shirts have been made into doormats? Hahaha," said the account @andibasri01.

"Bro, I've tried and it doesn't work, bro," said the account @0ranggnteng.

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