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29 Oktober 2015 13:00

This photographer from Banyuwangi teaches you about hard work

Dzul Baen can still work as a photographer despite having physical disabilities. Irwan Khoiruddin
This photographer from Banyuwangi teaches you about hard work

Brilio.net/en - Dzul Baen a man from Banyuwangi can still work as a photographer despite having physical disabilities. Hard work and dedication can be learned from Bang Dzoel as he is commonly known. A physical disability is not valid reason to give up on ones job and one can still achieve their dream job.

Born with physical disabilities, Dzul never feels inferior or pessimistic in pursuing his dreams. Now, Dzul already has a consistent list of loyal customers who use his services.

Moreover, through the perspectives of his friends, Dzul is an inspiring figure among photographer community.

For me, only needs one thing and that is effort, said Dzul.

His photographs are very admirable and deserve wide recognition. The following pictures are a sampling of photographs captured by Dzul as compiled by brilio.net/en, Wednesday (12/8).

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