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8 Desember 2015 18:48

This is iPhone’s design if it was released in 1987!

This iPhone is not equipped with an advance camera. Erina Wardoyo
This is iPhone’s design if it was released in 1987!

Brilio.net/en - The breakthrough technologies of Apple products seem to always bring significant effects toward technology advances in the world. It can be proved that almost half of people in the world are familiar with Apples products such as the iPhone, iPad or MacBook.

One of the products from Apple which is prevalent among people is the iPhone. This product develops rapidly and always releases a new model every year. With its advanced technology, no wonder that this product is much loved by gadget lovers.

The iPhone was first released in 2007. Thus, it is still considered as a brand new product if it is compared with other brands released beforehand. Yet, have you ever imagined the design of the iPhone if it was released 20 years earlier it or in 1987?

As quoted from mentalfloss, Monday (7/12), an artist named Pierre Cerveau tried to make the conceptual design of the iPhone if it had been released in 1987. The man who lives in Bangkok, Thailand attempted to make the iPhone design in 3D version named Macintosh Phone. However, the size of this iPhone is still as big as a video game console.

This iPhone has not featured with a touch screen. Instead, there are keypads circled like an old fashioned phone. Surprisingly, the memory is just 512 kilobyte, which seems to be able to store only one photo.

Furthermore, this iPhone is not equipped with a camera. Nonetheless, there are two speakers attached at the back of it so that you can hear the voice clearly when you have a call.

In fact, this iPhone is just a conceptual design which means it is not created for real. Even so, it seems to be enough to give you an image of what the gadget would look like in the past.

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