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23 April 2024 20:15

There are various pregnancy programs to get a baby, IVF is one of them

The pregnancy program is a series of steps and strategies designed to help couples who want to have children. Dwiyana Pangesthi
There are various pregnancy programs to get a baby, IVF is one of them Foto: shutterstock.com

Brilio.net - Having a baby is the most beautiful gift for a married couple. However, quite a few couples experience fertility problems in obtaining offspring. Therefore, many of them undertake pregnancy programs ( promil ) to be able to have offspring.

The pregnancy program is a series of steps and strategies designed to help couples who want to have children. The goal of this program is to increase the chances of pregnancy by maximizing the reproductive health of the couple.

Pregnancy programs usually involve various aspects, including monitoring the menstrual cycle, lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and the use of assisted reproductive technology if necessary.

One of the important components in a pregnancy program is monitoring the menstrual cycle. Couples will be taught to recognize signs of ovulation, such as changes in basal body temperature and cervical mucus. By understanding the menstrual cycle, couples can determine the right time for sexual intercourse to increase the chances of pregnancy.

So, so you don't get confused, you need to know the various pregnancy programs that you and your partner can do. Are you curious about the various types? Just take a look at the following review.

Various pregnancy programs

Photo: Shutterstock.com

1. Artificial insemination.

Artificial insemination is a fertility aid method used to help couples who are having difficulty conceiving. This procedure involves placing specially processed sperm into a woman's uterus with the aim of increasing the chances of fertilization of the egg.

Artificial insemination can be carried out using the husband's sperm (AIH) or donor sperm (AID), depending on the partner's health condition and the doctor's recommendations.

The insemination process is usually carried out when a woman is in her fertile period, so that the chances of success are greater. Although insemination can be an option, not all cases of infertility can be treated with this method. So, you need to consult first.
It is important to consult a gynecologist and fertility specialist to find out whether artificial insemination is the right option. Apart from that, couples also need to understand all the procedures and risks associated with artificial insemination before deciding to undergo this program.

2. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or IVF is the next step that you can consider to have children. During the IVF process, egg cells will be taken from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm in the laboratory. After that, the embryo that has been formed will be transferred into the uterus.

This procedure can be performed using your own eggs and your partner's sperm, or involving eggs, sperm or embryos from a known or unknown donor. This decision depends on your conditions and preferences.

The chance of having a healthy baby through this procedure is influenced by various factors, such as age and the cause of infertility. Apart from that, this IVF procedure also requires a lot of money. However, IVF has helped many couples who have difficulty conceiving children.

If you and your partner are considering undergoing this procedure, it is important to consult with an experienced reproductive specialist to obtain accurate information and understand all the risks and benefits associated with this procedure.

3. Fertility therapy.

One way to increase the chances of getting pregnant for those experiencing infertility problems is to undergo fertility therapy. This therapy is a form of treatment aimed at overcoming infertility problems experienced by couples who want to have children.

Fertility therapy can involve various methods such as the use of drugs, medical procedures, or assisted reproductive technology. Fertility therapy aims to treat problems that may be the cause of infertility such as hormonal disorders, ovulation problems, or damage to the reproductive tract.

In this therapy, the doctor will carry out a comprehensive evaluation of couples experiencing infertility problems, including physical examination, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations. Based on the results of the evaluation, the doctor will plan therapy that suits the couple's condition.

Fertility therapy can help increase the chances of getting pregnant by optimizing a couple's reproductive conditions. For example, if infertility problems are caused by hormonal disorders, doctors can prescribe medications that help regulate the balance of hormones in the body.

If the problem lies in ovulation, doctors can use medications or ovarian stimulation techniques to increase egg production.

Pregnancy program at Morula IVF Clinic

From the description above, now you know what a pregnancy program is and what kinds of pregnancy programs you and your partner can do. To get quality pregnancy program services handled by a professional medical team, you and your partner can consult with us at the Morula IVF Clinic.

Morula IVF Clinic is a reproductive health clinic that provides various services for treating reproductive problems for you and your partner. To get the right service, please consult with us via the contacts available on the official Morula website.

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