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9 Maret 2016 17:00

The secret uses of coconut oil you need to know about

We’ve compiled a simple list of alternative uses for coconut oil that will leave you feeling glowing and health, and save you a pretty penny. Ivana Lucic
The secret uses of coconut oil you need to know about © dailynexus.com

Brilio.net/en - Coconut oil is the miracle weve all been waiting for. Its uses range from beauty to health, and even it even tastes better to cook with coconut oil than regular oil, besides the fact that its healthier for you. Weve compiled a simple list of alternative uses for coconut oil that will leave you feeling glowing and health, and save you a pretty penny.

Hair Mask

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Coconut oil is a great way to add some extra shine and moisture into your dried locks. When youre showering, heat the oil up in simply by placing the jar in the warm water and spread it over your wet strands. Let is soak for at least 5 minutes and then wash the oil out. Make sure to do this after the shampoo. If used 1 2 times weekly, youll quickly start to notice a difference in the texture of your hair. This is a great solution for all those beach bums that have lost sheen from the sun and sea.

Body Oil

Just like coconut oil make a great moistirizing alternative for a hair mask, it can also be used to moisture your skin. After a warm shower, so that your skin is clean and most receptive to lotions, lather yourself in a thin layer of coconut oil. For extra spice, drop in some aromatic oils such as lavender and peppermint.

Under Eye Cream

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We all have those sleepless nights that leave us with those unsightly bags under our eyes. If you need a little boost, use some coconut oil for under your eyes. The skin is thin delicate in those locations, making it prove to puffiness and dark circles. Just warm up a pinch with your fingers before your apply it and voila! Youll feel better instantly.

Makeup Remover

This will probably come as a surprise to most of you, but heated coconut oil makes for a great makeup remover. To make your own makeup remover wipes, melt 1 teaspoon of coconut oil per round cotton ball in a microwaveable container and let the cotton pads soak in the coconut oil over night. You can make several and use them when necessary. Theyll even get the waterproof mascara off!

All Natural Body Scrub

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Getting rid of those dead skin cells in crucial in maintaining healthy glowing skin, and coconut oil is the perfect base for the mixture. Mix half a cup of sea salt or sugar with half a cup of coconut oil and youll have a perfect scrub. Itll be a moisturizing scrub even while it gets rid of the rough patches on your skin. If you get sick of the tropical coconut scent, just add some essential oils to the mixture for a little variety. You could even make this as a homemade present for your friends.

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