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5 Mei 2016 15:08

The awakening of rescued African lions

The lion kings of Africa will roar again! Sahil Nathani
The awakening of rescued African lions © npr.org

Brilio.net/en - The lion kings of Africa will roar again! Thats because those wild animals are no longer allowed to be a part of circuses in Peru and Colombia. For many years, the native African lions have borne a great deal of mistreatment in circuses in those countries. Almost all of them have had their teeth and claws removed, making it impossible for them to survive in the wild. To compound their misery, some have even lost their eyesight! Since the passing of the new law, the lions have been granted a new life in a somewhat fascinating way. 33 of them were recently rescued from these circuses and flown to their home in South Africa.

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Image via npr.org

Animal Defenders International (ADI) arranged for the flight to transport the lions to the African continent. Upon arrival in Johannesburg, they were loaded onto two massive trucks before being driven to the Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary, their new home. The sanctuary, which covers an area of about 5,000 hectares, will give the lions access to drinking pools, platforms, toys and veterinary care. Over time, the sanctuary will expand to support the growth and development of the lions such that they can adapt to their habitat sustainably.

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Image vianpr.org

After all the hardships which they have faced thus far, these lions must be feeling grateful for they can now recuperate back at their homeland. Heres to wishing them a better and brighter future in paradise!

Image viadailymail.co.uk

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