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5 September 2017 11:05

Six Lesbian Couples Secured By Police In Bogor

Last time we checked, homosexuality and living together with your partner are not a crime. Isn't it so, Mr. Po-Po? Tunggul Kumoro
Six Lesbian Couples Secured By Police In Bogor © Shutterstock

On Saturday night, a rented house in Tugujaya, Cigombong, Bogor, was raided by police after a series of report by locals. Twelve garment factory female workers were secured in the joint operation by Cijeruk Police, Cigombong Public Order Agency and residents.

They were identified as lesbian couples with six of them dressing and having a haircut like a man.

"They're all female. But, some play the part as the men and some as the women in the relationship," told Cigombong Public Order Agency Chief Sumantrai to Pojokjabar.

Some of the couples were registered as residents of Garut and Tangerang.

Those six couples reportedly were quite often spotted committing immoral activities in the house, according to the neighbors.

To anticipate public anger, the couples promised to pack their goods and leave the site as soon as possible. "We've given them a 'socialization' and they said they will move," added Sumantrai.

This was not the first time for these couples to beevicted asthey previously settled in Kutajaya Village, Sukabumi District, and received similar treatment.

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