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24 November 2015 11:12

Samsung releases its virtual reality gear just in time for Christmas

The alluring add-on will set buyers back around $99
Samsung releases its virtual reality gear just in time for Christmas

Brilio.net/en - The aptly named Samsung Gear VR is the first of its kind. Even though virtual reality devices have already been available before, Samsung is leading the charge by releasing the world's first consumer-oriented virtual reality device where previous devices were tailored towards a niche market.

In a way, Samsung's device is an extension for their smartphones. However, that's also one of the biggest limitations of this device: you have to own a Samsung handset in order for you to enjoy the VR environment in all its glory.

Early reports are saying that the device is well made, comfortable to wear, and more importantly, the user experience is great.

You can even check out the video below to see the device in action:

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