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13 Oktober 2016 16:45

Ridwan Kamil? Soekarno? Look Again

The resemblance stands out even without the help of Photoshop. Andry Trysandy Mahany
Ridwan Kamil? Soekarno? Look Again

Brilio.net/en - Not long after giving us good laughs with his hilarious post last week,Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil has once again made waves online thanks to a photo posted on his Instagram account. In a photo shared on Tuesday, the mayor is pictured standing in front of an audience donning a white suit, apecior traditional cap, and glasses, looking very much like a well known image of Soekarno, Indonesia's first president.

He even went ahead with a black-and-white filter, making the image look all the more authentic, while a picture of Soekarno himself can be seen in the backdrop, with his fist up in the air.

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"Leaders only have two jobs: to move the society with their ideology and to bring about change with innoation," the caption says.

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People were quick to point out his resemblance with the historical figure.

"Whoa, Kang Emilin a white suit [and]pecilooks a lot like Soekarno, so handsome..." commented @merry.

"Wow, you sure area Bung Karno look-alike kang @ridwankamil," added @nina.

This is not the first time the mayor has tried to impersonate Soekarno.

During the Indonesian Independence Day celebration back in August, he uploaded aphoto of him cladin PDU Paskibraka or the flag-raising squad uniform, with a peci and a pair of sunniesas accessories, an old bicycle as prop.

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