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14 September 2017 16:50

PKB Officially Backs Ridwan Kamil For W. Java Election

Eight more seats to official candidacy. Tunggul Kumoro
PKB Officially Backs Ridwan Kamil For W. Java Election © Twitter/@ridwankamil ‏

National Awakening Party (PKB) officially endorse Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil to run in the upcoming 2018 West Java gubernatorial election. The support was affirmed after a PKB West Java Chairman Syaiful Huda handed over a decree from central executive board (DPP) of PKB to Ridwan in Bandung, Monday.

"I was given a task by PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar to submit this [decree] as a support for Ridwan Kamil as a governor candidate in 2018 West Java [election]," Syaiful told the reporters.

Syaiful ensured that after this, PKB would grant a full support to Ridwan from central, provincial, regional, village to wing-level chapters of the party.

PKB is also completely prepared to bridge the consolidation for additional backing knowing Ridwan has just collected five chairs from National Democratic Party and seven from PKB.

"We'll help to consolidate with other parties which had been actually intensive, so the minimum requirements of 20 seats could be met," added Syaiful.

In the same place, Ridwan admitted sharing a common vision and mission with PKB and had set eyes on the party since long.

"That's what I believe if later get elected, it will be very much in line with the PKB's political direction," said Ridwan.

PKB itself was the second political party to declare an endorsement to Ridwan Kamil. InMarch, Nasdem announced its support for Ridwan's bid to become the province's number one.

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