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12 September 2017 10:30

PDIP Sanctions Member Threatening To Freeze & Dissolve KPK

It was Henry Yosodiningrat from the KPK inquiry committee. Tunggul Kumoro
PDIP Sanctions Member Threatening To Freeze & Dissolve KPK KPK executive board in a press conference after arresting Bengkulu Special Court for Corruption Crimes (Tipikor) judge in a sting operation, Friday, September 8, 2017. (Photo: Twitter/@KPK_RI)

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) imposed sanctions on a member of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) inquiry committee who proposed the freezing or dissolution of the anti-graft agency.

The party's secretary-general Hasto Kristiyanto stated that the sanction itself has been enforced.

"There was a warning a sanction," said Hasto in Malang, Sunday.

The proposal to freeze KPK as submitted by the committee member, according to Hasto, was not the official stance of the PDIP faction. He stressed that everything should be discussed in a meeting first with advice from the party's central executive board in any decision-making process.

Hasto clarified that the inquiry committee was established to improve the cooperation among law enforcement agencies, including KPK.

In addition, the special committee was also meant to enhance the agency's performance in the future. Hasto confirmed that the central executive board (DPP) PDI-P was consistent in stating that every institution requires a supervision. Member of the House of Representatives through the inquiry is the part of the supervisory function since KPK is also financed by the state.

"Members of the committee are assigned to supervise. There would be no attempt to freeze or dissolve [KPK]," he said.

The discourse to freeze KPK was triggered by one of inquiry committee members who appeared to come from PDIP faction, Henry Yosodiningrat. Henry said the plan is within the recommendation of the committee that is set to read out during the plenary session on September 28, 2017.

"For the time being, stop the KPK first and return the investigation authority to the police and prosecution to the prosecutor," he said on last Friday.

Henry argued that such maneuver is needed after the special committee found several violations of the law conducted by the agency; for instance, evidences discovered by KPK that had never been brought to court as well as the report saying witnesses in a case investigated by agency were lot pressured by its investigators.

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