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8 September 2017 09:00

Dahlan Iskan Released From Prison After Found Innocent In Graft Case

Free at last. Tunggul Kumoro
Dahlan Iskan Released From Prison After Found Innocent In Graft Case Dahlan Iskan (center) and the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Youth. (Photo: Twitter/@iskan_dahlan)

Surabaya High Court granted an appeal filed by former state-owned enterprise minister Dahlan Iskan on the allegation over his role in selling dozens of assets belonging to East Java Province-Owned Company PT Panca Wira Usaha.

Last April, the media mogul was sentenced to two years in prison by Surabaya Special Court for Corruption Crimes. He was also ordered to pay Rp 100 million in fine or face a further two months of imprisonment.

The panel of judges released Dahlan from the primary indictment of Article 2 (1) of the corruption law, instead charged him with Article 3 of the same law.

"Yes, we've granted his (Dahlan) appeal. The sentence came out before the Idul Adha," said Surabaya High Court Spokesman, Untung Widarto on Tuesday.

The release sentence came after a dissenting opinion as one of the panel of judges chaired by Dwi Andriani who believed Dahlan is guilty was outnumbered by the others' decision.

"The files will be forwarded to Surabaya District Court after we set them up," he added.

On the other side, Jakarta Prosecutor's Office spokesman Waluyo has not taken a stand on Dahlan Iskan's free verdict. He claimed to have not received any notification from the court.

"We haven't accepted any letter, there has yet to be a preparation [for a further appeal]," revealed Richard.

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