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5 Februari 2024 23:59

Pillars of aqiqah, meaning, procedures, conditions and laws in Islam

Aqiqah is the ritual of slaughtering an animal to welcome the birth of a child. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
sumber: Twitter/@kak_wari

Brilio.net - Understanding and carrying out various rituals in Islamic teachings is very important. These rituals have certain meanings and goals that can provide spiritual benefits and blessings for life. Apart from that, carrying out rituals in Islamic teachings is also a form of worship and obedience to Allah SWT.

One example is when a new baby is born. In Islam , there are many rituals to welcome the birth of a baby, one of which is the aqiqah. Aqiqah is the ritual of slaughtering an animal to welcome the birth of a child, where the animal meat is donated to people in need.

Rituals such as aqiqah have deep meaning in Islamic teachings. Apart from being a form of gratitude for the birth of a child, it is also a form of sacrifice and social solidarity. By understanding and carrying out these rituals, parents can receive blessings and protection from Allah SWT, as well as provide a good example for children in carrying out Islamic teachings.

Brilio.net summarized from various sources on Monday (5/2), will present everything from understanding to the complete pillars of aqiqah especially for you. Read more!

Understanding aqiqah

photo: Twitter/@kak_wari

Aqiqah is a form of worship performed by Muslims as a form of gratitude upon the birth of a child. Aqiqah is carried out by slaughtering livestock, such as goats or sheep, and distributing the meat to the poor as well as relatives, neighbors and friends. The purpose of aqiqah is to provide sustenance to people in need and also as an effort to strengthen relations between fellow Muslims.

In Islam, aqiqah has a strong basis from the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. One of the hadiths that strengthens the implementation of aqiqah is the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi which means:

"Whatever is slaughtered for a child, he will be spared from the punishment of the master of the grave until the Day of Resurrection." ( Tirmidhi Hadith)

The meaning of this hadith is that by carrying out aqiqah a person will undoubtedly be spared the torment of the grave. Another important point regarding aqiqah is that it is sunnah to carry out aqiqah on the seventh day after the birth of a child, but it can also be done on the 14th, 21st or 40th day after birth.

Aqiqah is one of the important acts of worship in Islam has a strong foundation from the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Carrying out aqiqah is a way to be grateful for the birth of a child, as well as increasing concern for fellow Muslims in need.

Requirements for valid aqiqah

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The valid conditions for aqiqah according to Islamic teachings must be fulfilled in accordance with existing instructions. First, aqiqah is performed after the birth of the child. This is done with the aim of giving thanks for the birth of a child and getting a reward from Allah.

Secondly, aqiqah must be done using halal animals, such as goats, sheep, or other slaughtered animals that are usually found on Eid al-Fitr. Sacrifice. Apart from that, aqiqah must also be accompanied by the intention to sacrifice, as a form of sacrifice for the birth of a child. Lastly, the aqiqah must be carried out by the child's parents, as a form of their responsibility in carrying out Islamic teachings related to the aqiqah.

By fulfilling these requirements, the aqiqah will be considered valid and in accordance with Islamic teachings. By fulfilling the valid requirements for aqiqah, it is hoped that the implementation of this aqiqah can bring happiness to the family, and can be an effort to obtain blessings from Allah. Thus, aqiqah is not only a form of tradition, but also as a good deed that will provide benefits both in this world and in the afterlife.

The law of aqiqah in Islam

photo: freepik.com

The law of aqiqah in Islam is sunnah sukakad. Sunnah sukakad itself means worship that is highly recommended for every parent when their child is born. This aqiqah law is based on the hadith of Rasulullah SAW contained in the books of Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah. Rasulullah SAW once said, which means:

"Every child is pawned with his aqiqah, and aqiqah is the name offered as a replacement for a pawned child," (Tirmidhi Hadith)

In Islamic teachings, this aqiqah law is even an obligation for every parent who is financially capable. Aqiqah is performed on the 7th day after the birth of a child for a man and on the 14th day for a woman. This aqiqah process is also followed by the distribution of meat to those in need and donations to the poor.

The pillars of aqiqah and procedures for carrying them out

photo: freepik.com

The pillars of aqiqah are one of the sharia in the Islamic religion which is carried out to welcome the birth of a child. The procedures for implementing it have been explained by the scholars based on the Al-Quran and hadith. The following are the procedures for carrying out aqiqah according to Islamic teachings:

1. Preparation of the aqiqah animal to be sacrificed, such as a goat or sheep in accordance with the conditions that have been determined.

2. Selection of two goats/sheep for boys and one for girls.

3. Shaving the baby's hair and giving a name according to Islamic religious guidelines.

4. Ordering to pay vows or giving food to poor people equal to the weight of the hair cut.

By following the pillars of aqiqah and procedures established by Islamic scholars, the implementation of aqiqah will be legal and in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic religion. And, it can be an act of gratitude to Allah SWT for the birth of a blessed child.

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