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17 Juni 2017 09:40

Now You Can Hide Your Unwanted Photos With Instagram’s Archive Feature

They're all worth keeping, after all. Tunggul Kumoro
Now You Can Hide Your Unwanted Photos With Instagram’s Archive Feature © Shutterstock

If you think all of those filters can't even help yourself from being roasted because of your old photos on Instagram, you might want to try the platform's newly-released archive feature.

With this feature, users can hide their old and 'presumably' embarrassing without having to delete them. By selecting "..." menu on a photo (where you usually find those edit, share and delete), there is now an additional option to archive the image placed right on top. You will now have a private gallery to store all of your unwanted photos. Yass!

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Photo: Instagram

This way, you can still revisit some old memories without having to keep broadcasting them to public. Fretnot, when you think you have enough confidence to take all the jokes, you can restore them by tapping the "Show on Profile".

Without much doubt, the newly-added archive is a genius feature given by the platform to let users balance between keeping things personal and professional on social media. Time to scroll down your album, lads!

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