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16 Juni 2017 03:45

ASEAN Literary Festival 2017 Is Coming Soon!

Topic to discuss includes ISIS terror threat, blasphemy law and the freedom of expression. Petra Hapsari
ASEAN Literary Festival 2017 Is Coming Soon! Image: Shutterstock/Aku Alip

As problems related to radicalism and terror threats are sproutingeverywhere in this world including in ASEAN countries, ASEAN Literary Festival 2017 will take on the problemwherehundreds of artist, scholars, writers, and officials from more than 30 countries are expected to come up with idea to deal with the issues throughthe power of words.

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The issues to be discussed during the event include terror threats and the rise of ISIS in Indonesia and Philippines, Rohingnya in Myanmar andthefreedom of expression.

We deliberately pick issues such as the freedom of expression, religious radicalism, including discussion on blasphemy law, as well as the rise of terror threat across the region, even the world, to voice our stance as intellectuals to be part of solution, said the ASEAN Literary Festival program director Okky Madasari.

Hundreds of people belong to militant groups protested last years festival in front of its venue since the discussion included certain topics considered controversial such as LBGT and 1965 Communist massacre.

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Beyond Imagination has been chosen as the main theme, reflecting creativity and literacy as essential elements to reach a genuine ASEAN community.

To be a part of the community means that we have to know each other. How else can we know other people well if not for their culture and life style? And how else we know the culture if not through books and other cultural products such as novels and movies? she continued.

We hope that the festival can play a significant role. We believe that culture and literature are the only things thatgenuinely bind the community. We cannot rely only on the economic and political aspects that will eventually onlybe rhetoric, Okky added.

Besides hundreds of artists, writers, scholars, and officials coming from 30 countries including ASEAN countries, Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and USA, tens of thousands audience are also expected to attend the event while others might follow it via social and mainstream media.

The ASEAN Literary Festival 2017 will be held at Jakartas Old City compound in Indonesia from August 3 to 6.

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