- The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has introduced a new program with an attractive offer for the millennial generation interested in pursuing a career in the agricultural sector. Through a program called Petani Milenial, Kementan promises a minimum income of IDR 10 million per month as an effort to attract young people to enter the world of agriculture while supporting national food security.
This program has two main objectives, namely making the farming profession more profitable and utilizing the demographic bonus for the management of abundant natural resources in Indonesia. Through its official website, the Ministry of Agriculture hopes that with this incentive, more young people will be involved in agriculture and feel the potential benefits of this sector.
In addition, millennial farmers are also expected to be able to integrate modern technology, such as the use of tractors to drones, in order to increase efficiency and agricultural production results. The Ministry of Agriculture further explained that as many as 3,000 people have participated in the Millennial Farmer program , while 20,000 of them have registered.
Given the huge opportunity to become a Millennial Farmer, of course many are curious about the requirements and registration steps? So that you are not confused, here are the requirements and how to register for the Millennial Farmer program, reported from various sources, Sunday (10/11).
Requirements for participating in the Millennial Farmer program.
Minister of Agriculture promises IDR 10 million per month for millennial farmers
The Millennial Farmer Program is a farming entrepreneurship development program that involves young farmers in the fields of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, plantations, and forestry as well as corporations/other stakeholders to create an independent, advanced and sustainable agricultural ecosystem.
This program was established based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 04 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for the Agricultural Human Resource Development Movement Towards the World Food Barn 2045. The requirements that must be met by prospective applicants include:
Applicant criteria.
1. Minimum age 19 - 39 years.
2. Age before the minimum limit can participate in the program if the prospective registrant is a student or graduate of vocational secondary education in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry.
3. Residents of West Java and domiciled in West Java.
4. Not having a work contract
5. Have an interest in farming (Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Plantations, Fisheries, Forestry, etc.)
Registration procedures
Minister of Agriculture promises IDR 10 million per month for millennial farmers
After being investigated, it turns out that this program has only been implemented in several regions, such as West Java and several other regions in Java. Registration can be done through two links, the first is training from the Ministry of Agriculture and the second is on the West Java millennial farmer page, the procedure is as follows:
1. Open the official registration site provided by the Ministry of Agriculture. Visit the following link to get started:
2. Once on the site, find and select the "Millennial Farmer Training" option on the main menu. This step will direct participants to a special page for registration.
3. On the registration page, enter the population registration number (NIK) in the column provided. Make sure the NIK entered is correct and has been registered in the agricultural education center database. For those who have attended previous training, re-registration is not permitted.
4. After the system validates the NIK, fill in all the columns with complete and accurate personal data. Make sure all the information that has been filled in is correct before proceeding to the next step.
5. In the photo upload section, participants are required to include a 4x6 passport photo with a maximum resolution of 700 KB. This photo will be used as an identity in the training. Click "Upload" after selecting a photo, and make sure the photo has been uploaded properly.
6. If all data has been filled in and the photo has been successfully uploaded, press the "Register" button to complete the registration process. Participants will receive a notification on the page indicating that registration has been successful.
- Registration via the West Java Millennial Farmers page
1. Open the website
2. After the website has finished opening, click Join Now.
3. After the Millennial Farmer Dashboard page appears, click Register Account.
4. Fill in the Account Registration Form with personal data such as (Full name, NIK, Date of birth, Gender, Address) completely and correctly.
5. Before selecting your interest, you can check the Commodity Data available at the top right of the input column.
6. After all the biodata is filled in, click Register.
7. After entering the Millennial Farmer Dashboard page, complete all the required data.
8. Fill in the form on the Personal Identity Data page.
9. Upload the prepared files on the Other Supporting Files page. The requested files are as follows:
- Photo of your ID card
- NPWP photo
- Statement Letter (format can be downloaded on the website)
- Family Card Photo
- Photo of Marriage Certificate/Book
10. After all files are uploaded, click Next.
11. After that, fill in the form on the Asset and Business Data page.
12. Also fill in the form on the Funding Data page.
13. If all sections have been filled in completely and correctly, click the Save button, and select Sure in the pop up that appears.
14. Congratulations, the account has been successfully created and you have successfully registered.
After successfully registering, your account will go through a verification process and then be selected to check the accuracy and completeness of the data.