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26 Juli 2017 15:19

Meet Imam Maliki, Ridwan Kamil’s Doppelganger

Imam Maliki is many things: teacher, writer, trainer and consultant. He even acts. But one thing he’s not is the mayor of Bandung. Tunggul Kumoro
Meet Imam Maliki, Ridwan Kamil’s Doppelganger © Facebook/Imam Maliki Ralibi

Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil (Brother Emil in Sundanese) is a star for not only the people in West Java's Capital, but also to Indonesian people. He has won millions of hearts with how he runs the city, moreover his finesse on social media plays a big role in making him the loved mayor that he is.

Among his fans, Imam Maliki Ralibi might be the most popular one. Dubbed as Kang Emil lookalike, the winner of celebrities' clone show Asal Asli Apa Palsu (Real or Fake) has begun to make his own move to build a new brand of himself, the "Ridwan Kamil doppelganger".

We talked to the man to hear his story.

How did everything start? How did you end up as Ridwan Kamils doppelganger?

It was my nephew who first told me that I look like the Bandung Mayor. It just went on and on from that. But, the climax was around February 2016. Kang Emil went for a pilgrimage (umra) in Mecca on Feb. 16. I also went for umra, but on Feb. 14. Its common for Kang Emil to post his activities on Instagram and this let people know about what he's going to do. So, by the time I arrived at the airport, Medina and Mecca, people chased me and asked for a picture. They though that I was him! People who studied in Mecca also asked me to talk at a motivational seminar at the Indonesian Consulate General.

Then, around two years since my nephew told me that I look like Ridwan Kamil, I somehow entered the lookalike competition and I won. It just got bigger from there.

What do you do for a living?

I've been spending years working in education field. I used to be the head of a vocational school, junior high school, elementary school and even kindergarten. I now teach in Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta. I have also published a book. Its a book about fun teaching. Besides that, Im a trainer and consultant too.

So how was life before youre the Bandung Mayors doppelganger?

Like I said before, I provide attractive consultation, fun teaching trainings and sermons in several cities. That's that. I stood no chance to make myself appear in TV. The late Ustad Jefri Al-Bukhori had been already under the spotlight if I dedicated myself to become a preacher, and so was Mario Teguh if I wanted to be a motivator. The odds were against me.

Then, there was Asal, the lookalike competition. The attempt to captivate audience can be done in many ways. Like mimicking the way a person talks or dresses. So, I got in, because I thought, although the name was Asal (random/whatever in Bahasa Indonesia), if everything is done professionally, it could bring optimum result.

Why and how do you always show up in almost every Kang Emil's occasion?

There was a commotion in Ridwan Kamil's clone community, actually. They wondered why it was only me who's always contacted by the original one.

Well, it appears that the real one felt intimidated with my presence as he was afraid that I would be dangerous if I ever borrow his identity and stain his name. That anxiety made Kang Emil find out who I was, digging out my profile through my Facebook and Instagram. But, soon after he discovered my background he became interested.

He said to one TV station that he felt relieved and indeed, he even invited me to Bandung City Hall during a halal bi halal gathering to be a guest speaker. His motive at that time was to show the state apparatus that he has a twin or backup, jokingly said that no one won't be allowed to mess around as long as I watched them work whenever Kang Emil wasn't around. He called me a free promotional medium, a walking advertisement.

Whenever he can't deliver his explanation about his program, there would be me. A symbiosis where I'm also benefited from borrowing his identity. Sometimes, he invited me to certain events or I sometimes just happen to come to the same event. Of course, he's pleased to see me because I came voluntarily, so he didn't have to pay me. As simple as that. Our conversation happened in Instagram message. I gave him information and one or two days later, he replied my message. Once he say 'yes', his aide will call me to set the date and place. I have no courage to ask his number. I respect his position after all.

What are the good things of being Kang Emil lookalike?

The good thing of being Kang Emil's lookalike is that I have my class leveled up. I met the regents and mayors, greet them like they're my own buddy. Although at first they thought I was the real one, but even after they know who I am, we got along. I can meet anyone I want, not to mention those military generals. I went to a firing practice with a Collaboration of Armed Forces Strategic Command (Pangkostrad). But the best, probably the worst, that I got to enter a boarding room once without a ticket because they thought I was Kang Emil.

The downside is, every time I attend a wedding reception, it was always ended with looking for a restaurant. Because I got no time for enjoying the food and drink. Men, women, kids, old men, they come to me and ask for a selfie. I can't enjoy the food.

You began to appear in television lately, do you have any intention of becoming somebody?

I've been on my planning. I let people know me from entertainment. So, by going into the entertainment world, I can make myself appear in some shows and that's when I thought that becoming an actor was not a bad idea. Indeed, I was called to play in a TV soap opera. Thus, I think when I later perform well, there might be an opportunity for me to be called for TV advertisement. That doesn't stop there since I think I still can pave my way to become a host, a way more established profession than being a guest star or extra in a film.

Yet, I also want to go back to my basic as a motivator. After becoming a host, I expect myself to learn how to interact with people and get used to camera. Finally, there's an opening to become a preacher in TV where I think it's a bit impossible for current me to do so. Simply put, I want to surprise people by doing the most unexpected thing people can expect from me. Even now, I'm doing my music album with my nephew.

Do you have your own aspiration in politics?

So, I myself was almost desperate with the politics. It's always like buying a pig in a poke. But, after I know Kang Emil, I see that there's a hope. He's a good example of young people engaging in politics. Hes got a broad insight and is young and religious. He shows his best of what he can do, moreover he ran as an independent when he got elected as Bandung Mayor. Thus, I began to think that it's better for me to explore myself. I'm doing it and I do not rule out the possibility of being proposed by certain political party.

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