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27 Mei 2024 13:39

Many people protest expensive UKT, Muhammadiyah University of Maumere allows paying tuition fees using agricultural products

This unique payment method was conveyed by one of the alumni. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
Many people protest expensive UKT, Muhammadiyah University of Maumere allows paying tuition fees using agricultural products

Brilio.net - Recently students from various universities protested as a form of rejection of the increasingly expensive Single Tuition Fee (UKT) . Since it was first implemented, UKT has always been a scourge for students, even though it is determined based on parents' income. Now that fear has deepened after the government increased the fee several times.

Due to various protests from students who in this case are affiliated through BEM SI, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud Ristek) Nadiem Makarim said he would stop the single tuition fee increase. Moreover, recently the increase tends to be irrational in State Universities (PTN).

photo: muhammadiyah.or.id

Nadiem conveyed this commitment in a working meeting with Commission X DPR RI on Tuesday (21/5). Quoted from merdeka6.com, this statement is indeed a response to issues circulating in the community regarding the significant increase in UKT fees. This has also sparked student demonstrations in various regions.

"I am committed and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to ensure, because of course there are recommendations from us, to ensure that we will stop these irrational leaps," he said.

In the midst of these protests, there was a private campus that implemented a payment system that was not the usual one. This was carried out by Muhammadiyah University (UM) Maumere. This unique payment method was conveyed by one of the alumni who posted it via the campus' official Instagram @unimof23.

Stivenia Angriati, an alumna of the campus, said that (UM) Maumere offers a solution if the students' parents don't have money. The campus allows students to pay using agricultural products. That's what Stivenia felt when studying at that campus.

photo: Instagram/@unimof23

"One of the policies taken by the dictionary is paying tuition fees using agricultural products," he explained.

Stevani said that at that time his parents were red stone businessmen. So while he was studying he paid for the campus using new red. The nominal is adjusted to the price and the amount of SPP per semester.

"So I paid my tuition fees using red stones. The red stones were calculated according to my tuition fees in stages," he said.

He hopes that this policy will open up opportunities for people to continue higher education. With adjustments to more affordable fees, it is hoped that more students from various economic backgrounds will be able to access quality education. This will not only increase higher education participation rates in Indonesia, but also help create more equitable and quality human capital across the country.

This policy is indeed enforced by the Muhammadiyah University of Maumere . It is written in an official letter issued by the campus regarding the amount that students must pay per semester. There it is stated that tuition fees can use the installment method, apart from that payments can be made through agricultural products, whether from plantations, animal husbandry, agriculture or fisheries.

The Chancellor of UM Maumere, Erwin Prasetyo, said that this was an effort to bridge the community so they could enjoy studying at university. Because, many people currently cannot get a bachelor's degree. This practice has been carried out since 2018.

"We are making it easier for our people to enjoy or experience higher education. You can get a bachelor's degree with these conveniences," he said.

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