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23 September 2024 22:05

Lyrics of Sal Priadi's song Gala Bunga Matahari

Sal uses the metaphor of the sunflower as a symbol of hope. Brilio.net
Lyrics of Sal Priadi's song Gala Bunga Matahari

Brilio.net - Gala Bunga Matahari is a song by Sal Priadi which was released in 2021 as part of a mini album (EP) entitled "Kumpulan Lagu Cinta (tentang Dia)". This song highlights Sal Priadi's poetic and meaningful lyrical writing style, with an exploration of the themes of love, relationships, and deep emotions.

In Gala Bunga Matahari, Sal uses the metaphor of the sunflower as a symbol of hope, warmth, and resilience. The sunflower always facing the sun is often seen as a symbol of someone who is always looking for light, or meaning in life and love, even in difficult situations.

Lyrics of Sal Priadi's song Gala Bunga Matahari

Is it possible?
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
You stopped by today
If it doesn't look like you
Be a sunflower
That suddenly bloomed in the garden
Even though we speak the language of plants
Tell me
How is your new residence?
Are there really rivers?
Crossed with milk
Also your body doesn't hurt anymore
You and the people there are young again

All questions
Find the answer
A happy heart, you often laugh
Is it true that people say he likes to joke around?
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
You stopped by today
If it doesn't look like you
Be a sunflower
That suddenly bloomed in the garden
Even though we speak the language of plants

I'll tell you
How would my life be without you?

The longing is still there every time
Sometimes I cry when I need to
But I'm funnier now
Be as pleasant as you say
Live life with joy
And believe you are in my heart forever
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
You stopped by today
If it doesn't look like you
Be a sunflower
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
You stopped by today

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