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31 Desember 2015 16:43

Look Matt, this is the money they’ve spent to save you!

Matt Damon always needs to be rescued on most of the movies he played and this is how much money has been spent for saving his life Tunggul Kumoro
Look Matt, this is the money they’ve spent to save you! © Dreamworks Pictures

Brilio.net/en - Matt Damon likely cant just stay in one place for a minute. Every time we see him on movies he played, he is always being a guy in a hard time who needs to be rescued, making people hemorrhaging money trying to bring him back to where he is supposed to be.

A Zurich-based researcher, who is also a Quorra user Kynan Eng, made an attempt to calculate how much money has been spent on retrieving Matt Damon back like in The Martian, Saving Private Ryan, Interstellar, etc. With 2015 currency, Kynan tallied up the budget and made estimates for how much fictional bill dropped for stuff like Earth evacuation spaceship in Titan AE or US Army transport from Middle East in Green Zone.

So, here is what he found.

1. Courage Under Fire (1996)

20th Century Fox

Movie budget: $46m
Kynan Eng estimated a cost for a helicopter rescue during the first Gulf War for about $300,000.

2. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Dreamworks Pictures

Movie budget: $70m
At least $100m is needed for a search party during World War II.

3. Titan A.E. (2000)

20th Century Fox

Movie budget: $75m
To save Damons character Cale, an Earth evacuation spaceship is needed and it costs around $200 billion.

4. Syriana (2005)

Warner Bros. Pictures

Movie budget: $50m
A private security return flight from the Middle East to Switzerland cost around $50,000.

5. Green Zone (2010)

Universal Pictures

Movie budget: $50m
Around $50,000 is required for a US Army transport from Middle East.

6. Elysium (2013)

TriStar Pictures

Movie budget: $100m
A space station security deployment including the damages cost around $100m.

7. Interstellar (2014)

Paramount Pictures

Movie budget: $165m
A space ship capable of travelling through wormholes is pretty pricey where it costs around $500B.

8. The Martian (2015)

20th Century Fox

Movie budget: $108m
For the second time he needs to be evacuated from the space, a Mars mission costs the government around $200B.

So, the combined budget for the entire movies comes to more than $729m and more than $900B for retrieving Matt Damon from wherever he is.

Well, what a time to be alive knowing everybody willing to spend such amount of money to save yourself. Better not mess around next time Matt!

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