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3 Maret 2016 13:00

Kiddle doesn’t belong to Google and is not totally safe

Google doesn’t claim ownership on Kiddle. Victoria Tunggono
Kiddle doesn’t belong to Google and is not totally safe

Brilio.net/en - Many parents can now be relieved to let their children surf on the Internet because Kiddle.co is offering a fun and safe search engine for kids. It is said to be safe because Kiddle aims to eliminate the risk of children being led to nude pictures, violent videos and other inappropriate materials while browsing the Internet. In order to be more enticing than other search engines for children, the homepage shows an outer space theme, with a robotic alien icon under the search box in the forefront that will guide kids on their search.

But although it said powered by Google safe search, Google doesnt claim ownership on Kiddle. The site is using Google custom search and Google cookies to serve search results. Several modifications can be adjusted by visiting Google privacy policy page. The Kiddle search bar in the middle of homepage is embedded from the Google. So even that Kiddle does not store any personally identifiable information, Google still might. Learn more about this in Google Privacy.

Kiddle editors managing the top 1-7 search results, with unsafe sites for children blocked out. But the next results are not edited, so this might be safer but not completely foolproof. According to Kiddle About page:

Safe sites and pages written specifically for kids. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.
Typically, results 1-3.

Safe, trusted sites that are not written specifically for kids, but have content written in a simple way, easy for kids to understand. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.
Typically, results 4-7.

Kiddle also blocks certain words such as butts or penis or Pamela Anderson. The robot icon will say a message, Oops, looks like your query contained some bad words. Please try again! Both of the blocked sites and words are editable at the Kiddle keyword block form. Parents can have control over their childrens activities on the Internet, including giving feedback to Kiddle because it is not yet perfect in blocking undesirable results. They are a work in progress, so the site is adapting to get better.

Despite its imperfections, Kiddle is a kid-friendly site that will help parents supervising their childrens use of Internet. Be sure to stay vigilant and updating with technology, because whatever you can do, your kids are able to do it better.

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