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24 Oktober 2015 14:10

Kailasa, the ‘house’of Dieng civilization

At this museum, you are able to know the history of the Dieng Plateau after the eruption of Prahu Tua Mountain Muhammad Gufron Salim
Kailasa, the ‘house’of Dieng civilization

Brilio.net/en - Have you ever visited the Dieng Plateau? If you have, you probably visited the Sikidang crater. But have you ever gone to the Kailasa Museum?

As a tourist attraction, this museum is well worth the visit before exploring the rest of the Dieng Plateau. Kailasa museum, which is located in Dieng Kulon Village, Batur District, Banjarnegara, stores various objects related to Dieng: starting from the history, record of the societys life, cultures, belief system, flora, and fauna.

In this museum, you can learn about the history of the Dieng Plateau after the eruption of Prahu Tua Mountain, the source of andesite stones (stones which are used for the temple construction). In this building, theres information about the art and cultural diversities within the Dieng society, including the dreadlocked kids. There is also a small room for watching a movie in which the movie shown is about the Dieng societys daily life.

Kailasa Museum was built on a 560 square meter land consisting of two buildings. The building in the front side is the first building which was established and was built in 1984. In this building, there are many objects related to the temples in Dieng plateau. You will also find various statues such as Mala, Makara, kemuncak or temple roof, lingga and yoning, and furnaces to put offerings. There are also sculptures such as nandi or Lord Shivas ride and Lord Durga whose body is a lion and head is a cow, mahakala, covering stones, kinara kinari (heaven being), and Siva Trisirah or Lord Shiva who has three faces.

All objects stored in the first building were once parts of temples around Dieng Plateau. Some of the objects are stored in this museum for security reasons and the rest are stored because their exact position cannot be found in the temple.
Meanwhile, the second building was officially opened in July 28th, 2008 by the minister of culture and tourism at that time, Jero Wacik. In this room, there is an even more diverse collection of artifacts.

Kailasa Museum opens daily from 07.00 a.m. till 16.00 p.m. The entry ticket is only IDR 5000 per person.

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